Other News

Around the Water Cooler

In case you were busy signing the greatest free agent in NFL history, here’s what you missed this week in the world of sports… NCAA BASKETBALL – March Madness kicked off this past Thursday to the delight of both basketball fans and bored office workers, and in typical fashion, it[Read More…]

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UBC ends McGill’s strong season

ubyssey.ca After a season of RSEQ dominance, the McGill Martlets were hopeful and confident about their chances at the CIS women’s basketball championship in Calgary, even though they faced UBC, Canada’s second-ranked team. Unfortunately, the ThunderBirds, led by their top-ranked defence in the country, defeated McGill 65-43 in their opening[Read More…]

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An open letter from SSMU

  To the AUS Executive Committee:   We would like to congratulate you on an extremely well-attended General Assembly last night. We would also like to express our extreme disappointment and frustration concerning the poor communication, organization, and attitude which shaped your response to the unexpected numbers and thus took[Read More…]

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Office of Sustainability launches Vision 2020 project

This winter, McGill’s Office of Sustainability launched a year-long project, Vision 2020, to ensure sustainability on campus and to promote student participation and awareness in sustainable initiatives. The idea behind this project is that interactive planning and intra-community collaborations will make long-term sustainability more effective and feasible. The project also presents[Read More…]

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