Other News

Around the Water Cooler

In case you were too busy wondering why The Artist had no words,  here’s what you missed this past week in the world of sports … HOCKEY — As the trade deadline looms, the hockey world is abuzz with rumours about who will go where. Two players were at the[Read More…]

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Admin accepts J-Board invalidation of fall referendum

On Tuesday Feb. 14, the SSMU Judicial Board (J-Board) invalidated QPIRG’s fall referendum question. The J-Board ruled the question to be unconstitutional because it dealt with two separate questions, asking students to simultaneously support QPIRG’s continued existence, and a change to make the organization’s fees opt-outable only in person. In[Read More…]

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UQAM protest marks start of unlimited student strike

On Feb. 14, approximately 300 student demonstrators marched through McGill’s downtown campus following UQAM’s vote for an unlimited strike. UQAM is one of many universities and CEGEPs in Quebec that have voted to go on an unlimited strike to protest the Quebec government’s plans to increase university tuition fees for[Read More…]

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