Other News

Super Bowl XLVI

Two contributors give their take on the rematch of Super Bowl XLII by identifying the key offensive and defensive matchups while giving their own X-Factors …  Giants Offence The talk about quarterbacks leading up to the Super Bowl will undoubtedly favour the prowess of Tom Brady, but the fact of[Read More…]

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Super Bowl Predictions

Steven Lampert, Sports Editor:  Giants 24, Patriots 21 Christopher Nardi, Sports Editor:  Patriots 35, Giants 24 Ryan Taylor, Managing Editor:  Patriots 26, Giants 23 Shannon Kimball, Editor-in-Chief:  Giants 35, Patriots 28  Iain Macdonald, Production Manager: Patriots 1, Giants 0 Nick Petrillo, A&E Editor:  Patriots 49, Giants 24  Richard Martyn-Hemphill,  Opinion Editor:  Giants 14, Patriots 7 Tribune[Read More…]

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Man vs Cave

I’ve been through the heart of darkness: I’ve sat through an entire New England Patriots game with my dad and his buddies. I’ve seen Tostitos get double-dipped, heard grown men refer to the Patriots as Brady’s B­unch, and witnessed 50-year-olds go for high fives only to whiff completely, attempt a[Read More…]

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Has McGill apparel gone too far?

On any given day at McGill you can spy an endless range of labels, prints, textures, trends, and styles, giving this campus an eclectic but trendy appearance.  You would expect, or at least hope, that McGill apparel would uphold our campus’ fashionable reputation. However, as I have learned over the[Read More…]

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