Other News

To text or not to text

When it comes to running into past acquaintances, you never know how it will turn out. If you knew them at one point in time, maybe even became Facebook friends, but then never spoke again, chances are it will be awkward. While the courteous thing to do would be to[Read More…]

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Canada geese take flight

Last Friday’s autumnal equinox officially marked the arrival of fall, and with it the beginning of the seasonal migration of Canada geese. Living in Canada, hearing the unmistakeable honking of the geese, and seeing their characteristic V-formation signals a turn in season. Even in the busy city of Montreal, it[Read More…]

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The Tribune’s GA endorsements

McGill Tribune Resolution regarding democratic reform of the SSMU Board of Directors—YES   The SSMU Board of Directors is the highest decision-making body at SSMU and must consist of only Canadian citizens or permanent residents. This motion would increase the Board of Directors from seven people to 16, and give[Read More…]

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