Other News

Interview with MP Matthew Dubé

politwitter.ca The McGill Tribune sat down with Matthew Dubé, who found himself thrown into Ottawa’s political arena after his surprise victory in last May’s election, to discuss Jack Layton’s legacy and the future of the NDP.  A former McGill student, he spent the summer between his constituency and Ottawa, preparing[Read More…]

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Montreal’s fine arts

Imagine strolling through campus on your way to the studio for CERA 335, Introduction to Ceramics, in a blissful jaunt that stirs your creativity with each step, making you wish you were already sitting at the pottery wheel.  You remark, “How wonderful it is that I can study fine art[Read More…]

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The Tribune’s GA endorsements

McGill Tribune Resolution regarding democratic reform of the SSMU Board of Directors—YES   The SSMU Board of Directors is the highest decision-making body at SSMU and must consist of only Canadian citizens or permanent residents. This motion would increase the Board of Directors from seven people to 16, and give[Read More…]

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