Other News

Winning the Meltdown Game

Charlie Sheen has been a tabloid staple for most of his adult life. Between his numerous arrests, failed relationships, and well-documented addictions, the actor has provided the media with endless fodder. It’s a miracle Sheen has had any time for his actual profession. Two and a Half Men appeared to[Read More…]

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Todd Plummer

The Tribune’s endorsement for Students’ Society Vice President internal goes to Todd Plummer. Plummer’s varied experience and connections, strong platform, and ability to communicate and negotiate effectively make him the strongest candidate for the internal position. Plummer’s platform is tangible and practical, as well as innovative. In addition to plans[Read More…]

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JoÃl Pedneault

Tuition is going to be a huge issue next year, and Joël Pedneault will be a strong person to have at the helm as VP external. We hope that he will take multiple viewpoints into account and keep his strategies grounded in serious research, but his experience and the way[Read More…]

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WebCT quotation of the week

Subject: Assigned Readings Author: Student 1 What are the assigned readings for the mid2? when can we have the list of readings?   Subject: Assigned Readings Author: Student 2 Seriously? We just had a midterm yesterday… YESTERDAY!

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How to rear children

You might think it’s a bit early to start thinking about rearing children, but it’s not. Kids are everywhere and need to be dealt with in the right way. If you make a mistake raising a child, you are effectively giving the middle finger to the future, and that’s just[Read More…]

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Monika Fabian – VP Clubs & Services

Why is it important that the VP clubs and services be an elected position and not something like the interest group coordinator, who is an appointed administrator? When you’re hired as IGC you kind of already have an idea of what you’re supposed to be doing and you fulfill a[Read More…]

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