Other News

This I believe?

“When you believe in things that you don’t understand then you suffer. Superstition ain’t the way.” —Stevie Wonder The university can be a hotbed for superstition. When you fill people’s heads with speculative ideas that are presented as facts, things will always get messy. Facts and metaphysical truths, when taken[Read More…]

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Endorsements for Thursday’s GA motions

McGill Tribune Resolution Re: The Society’s Invesments – YES This resolution would amend the Students’ Society’s bylaws to include information regarding its investments in corporate shares and government bonds. As SSMU’s counsel has advised, this is necessary in order to bring the corporation in line with Quebec law. Resolution Re:[Read More…]

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Meaningful dialogue at McGill

McGill Tribune OMEQ is a student club that seeks to provide an on-campus forum for dialogue on Israel and Palestine. This brief description, however, does not tell the full story, nor does it address the critical issues that must be raised: what does dialogue mean? How do we do it?[Read More…]

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Newburgh should apologize, but not resign

McGill Tribune The Students’ Society Council voted in confidential session  on Thursday to publicly censure President Zach Newburgh. While this limited information was all that was initially offered to students, it is now known that the censure was the result of Newburgh’s involvement with a new company, Jobbook. Debate on[Read More…]

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Harper right to force reversal of ISP decision

McGill Tribune Last week, the Canadian Radio-television Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) ruled to allow a usage-based billing system for Internet Service Providers. The decision is anti-competitive and a disservice to technological advancement, and the federal government is right to force the CRTC to review its decision. In Canada, there are a[Read More…]

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