Other News

Avey Tare – Down There

Often overshadowed by the overwhelming success of his bandmate Panda Bear, many are probably unaware that Avey Tare—one-fourth of Animal Collective—works as a solo artist as well. Down There, his solo debut, takes the listener on an adventure through the depths of murky swamps, riding distorted synths and bass-heavy sampling[Read More…]

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Discipline and punish

Last summer, while casually lounging with my friends on a bench in Washington Square Park after a night of partying in New York’s East Village, I came face to face with three policemen hovering over us. “What are you doing here?” one of them said. “We are just sitting,” I[Read More…]

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The problem of carrying capacity

McGill Tribune In the face of growing fears concerning global climate change, and the possible repercussions we may experience, the idea that the human population has grown too large is one that is gaining acceptance.  Meanwhile, politicians are playing word games, relying on semantics to assure us that this is[Read More…]

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QPIRG abuses its mandate

McGill Tribune Walking through the Quebec Public Interest Research Group building is like stepping into a different world. Posters entitled “No Olympics on Stolen Land,” “No to Canada-U.S. Imperialism,” and Middle East maps without Israel deck the walls of their hallways. QPIRG is a student-funded organization that collects tens of[Read More…]

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