Other News

Quebec Public Interest Research Group

McGill Tribune             Publicly funded social services and organizations exist because we value the role they play in keeping our communities—whether nationally, locally, or campus-based—healthy, supportive, and inclusive. Canadians fund affordable housing, women’s shelters, employment programs and public advocacy groups because we believe that they[Read More…]

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Steven Very Wrong on Quebec Tuition Hike

McGill Tribune I would like to challenge some of the faulty reasoning expressed in Brendan Steven’s column titled, “Scrap the Quebec Tuition Model” (McGill Tribune, September 20).  In his article, Brendan gauges the value of our entire higher education system through the lens of one university.  He confuses weakness in[Read More…]

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QPIRG Opt-Out Campaign

McGill Tribune As many McGill students know, several associations have once again joined together to launch the QPIRG Opt-Out Campaign. Every semester, the campaign aims to inform students about their right to opt-out of the Quebec Public Interest Research Group. We never expected that this year QPIRG would use violence[Read More…]

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Students rally to save the Architecture Cafe

Margot Van Der Krogt In a last-ditch attempt to save the Architecture Café, hundreds of students gathered to protest outside the Leacock Building last Wednesday afternoon.  The rally kicked off minutes before McGill’s first senate meeting of the year was scheduled to begin in Leacock 232. As administrators, professors, and[Read More…]

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