Other News


It wouldn’t be fair to say that the National Hockey League has failed in every way possible at marketing its product. It is true, however, that the National Football League is the gold standard. After all, the NFL has a $3.3-billion per year television deal and the NHL has a $70-million deal.

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FOOTBALL: Redmen conquer Mount Allison

To say the Redmen were slumping heading into this weekend’s contest with Mount Allison University would be a gross understatement. Going into Saturday’s clash with the Mounties, McGill hadn’t tasted victory since Sept. 24, 2005, a whole 364 days earlier. Despite rainy conditions at Molson Stadium, quarterback Matt Connell led the charge, tossing five touchdown passes in front of just 1,441 fans, defeating Mt.

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OFF CAMPUS: Sports talk of a different kind

On Saturday, Sept. 29, the McCord Museum will be hosting the “Sports and Diversity Symposium: Marking the 60th anniversary of Jackie Robinson’s breakthrough in sports,” a vital conference on sports and diversity in Canada. Presented by the Association of Canadian Studies (ACS), the goal of this one day event is to raise awareness of the evolving face of Canadian sports and to highlight the impact that sports has on the diverse ethnicities and minorities in Canada.

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Alleged plot enrages SSMU

Relations between the Students’ Society and La Fédération Etudiante Universitaire du Québec have reached the boiling point this week due to what SSMU has deemed a “scheme to undermine the political sovereignty and democratic processes of the McGill campus.

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Creating a clean Canadian future

Sustainable development and environmental law were on the minds of 65 lawyers from across Canada as they met in Montreal last week. Addressing topics such as criminal law and the environment, evaluation of environmental damages and Aboriginal law, the 18th annual Environmental Lawyers in Government conference discussed ways to solve current environmental problems.

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Africa is not the dark continent

A conference on African development held at Concordia University Saturday and Sunday reminded its audience of their “global responsibility” towards the world’s impoverished peoples. Organized by the Global Forum on International Cooperation, a student organization at Concordia, the conference, entitled “Connecting Global Youth Confronting Global Challenges: A Conference on African Development,” explored dilemmas and realities of development in Africa.

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CHATTERBOX: ‘Lu and behold!’

Not many professors would start their 10 a.m. class with an Eminem song blaring over the sound system as their half-awake students stumble into the room. Then again, not many professors are like Catherine Lu, who currently teaches Western Political Thought on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in the Adams auditorium The political science department has more than twice as many men as women professors.

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Seeing red: Hockey Redmen bounced from Nationals early

The CIS University Cup tournament is no place for the faint of heart. Two games can catapult a team to the doorstep of national glory, or just as easily dash their dreams of a historic season. The Redmen discovered this painful truth last week at Nationals, after losing 4-2 to the Atlantic University Sport Champion St.

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