Public art is a hot-button topic of discussion, be it in political debates or around the dining room table. While some denounce it as a frivolous waste of tax-payer dollars, others applaud the cultural, economic, and societal advantages of investing in public art: Its presence can accentuate a neighbourhood’s unique[Read More…]
Latest News
Four years of Farnand: A letter from your (favourite) editor
Well, this is it. The last thing I will ever write for The Tribune. No pressure though, right? I joined the Sports section all the way back in 2019 after I wrote an opinion piece about littering that never got published (thanks a lot, Opinion). Now, four years and over[Read More…]
‘English’ asks provocative questions about the meaning of language
“HELLO. WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE COLOUR?” The militant aggression of Elham’s (Ghazal Azarbad) tone sends laughter rippling through the audience. She wants to go to Australia for medical research with a renowned professor studying gastrointestinal diseases. She has a fantastic MCAT score. She wants to help people. She’s failed the[Read More…]
Know Your Admin: McGill Athletics
If you’re a McGill student that cares even a little bit about McGill sports, odds are you follow @mcgillathletics on Instagram. With over 10,000 followers, the Instagram account connects athletes, students, fans, and alumni who root for the Martlets and the Redbirds. From schedule updates to analytics to live game[Read More…]
Earl Zukerman: McGill Athletics’ living archive
Earl Zukerman is an icon. The Sports Information Officer has been a fixture in the McGill Athletics department for the past 44 years, spending much of his career working seven-day weeks, at times covering 30 to 40 events during the homecoming weekend. Zukerman, or “Zukster” to his close friends, has[Read More…]
Going green at 200 km/h: Formula 1 takes a climate conscious turn
Between the roar of engines, lightning-fast pit stops, and pursuits of victory, the world of Formula 1 (F1) has successfully established itself as a world of glamour and exclusivity. Champagne showers, good-looking drivers, and yacht-filled victory celebrations paint the picture of a perfect, untouchable world. However, behind the velvet curtain[Read More…]
McGill hit with class action lawsuit for alleged mind control, brainwashing experiments from 1943 to 1964
Content Warning: Descriptions of medical abuse, physical abuse, and psychological torture Charles Tanny visited the Allan Memorial Institute, a research and psychiatric centre operated by McGill’s Royal Victoria Hospital, in August 1957. He was referred to the Allan after experiencing pain in his face, a condition his family doctor believed[Read More…]
Planting a SEED: McGill sustainability project moves forward in UN competition
Two years ago, roughly half of high school-aged Canadians did not believe that climate change could be stopped. Some of this hopelessness stems from climate education, which still revolves around causes and effects, rather than solutions. But, can climate change be stopped without spurring the next generation to action? That[Read More…]
The infinite potential of untangling quantum numbers
Over the last decade, thanks to developments in hardware and software technologies, computers can now tackle problems previously thought impossible. Computer chips are faster (in accordance with Moore’s Law) and developing fields like deep learning—a class of algorithms that use brain-inspired neural networks to process data—allow computers to more efficiently[Read More…]
Café-pub-working space Bar Milton-Parc gradually opening to public
In a plebiscite during the Winter 2023 Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) referendum, students voted overwhelmingly in favour of investing their student fees in Co-op Bar Milton-Parc—a community-led cooperative that aims to create a space for students and local groups to gather. The café-pub, located at the corner of[Read More…]