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McGill Name No Longer to be Used by Certain Clubs

Student-run clubs at the university with the word “McGill” in their names have faced increasing difficulties this academic year after fears of liability issues arose within the administration. When the McGill name is used in a club title, the administration has argued, it implies that the university-and not the students who run the club-are providing the service.

EDITORIAL: Raising Quebec tuition – the least bad option

Last week, McGill Principal Heather Munroe-Blum travelled to Quebec City to report to the provincial government on the ups and downs the university has faced in the past three years. In her speech, Munroe-Blum repeated many of the standard talking points: she touted the university’s research, emphasized McGill’s international stature, and cheered the university’s intellectual contributions to Quebec.


The mojito, a traditional Cuban cocktail, is not only one of the most refreshing drinks I’ve ever tried, but also one of the most versatile. The simple ingredients in the traditional version-rum, sugar, lime, soda, and mint-make it an excellent canvass for adding any variety of flavours.

COMMENTARY: Equity and Social Justice on Campus

As the Students’ Society of McGill University’s Equity Commissioner, I will undertake multiple roles this year in order to fulfill my mandate as a resource person for students on their rights and responsibilities under SSMU’s equity policy. This document aims to “create a safe, discrimination-free environment.

Speaker Addresses Limited Resources

When settlers arrived on Easter Island in the 14th century, statues were all that remained of a once advanced civilization. The former society had used wood for almost everything and eventually depleted the island’s resources, causing the demise of its people.

RIGHT MINDED: The Case for “Tough-on-Crime”

Our justice system is meant to be a principled and morally upstanding approach to crimes committed against our fellow human beings. Being tough-on-crime isn’t just a game of political pandering, and criminal justice isn’t a game of bureaucratic tinkering to reduce costs.

CD REVIEW: Chemical Brothers- Further

Released earlier this year, the Chemical Brothers’ seventh effort, Further, can start to sound like a concert album after a few plays. Unlike many of the Brothers’ earlier releases, the album captures the raw intensity and structureless flow of a live set, filled with unexpected drops, blips, and volume shifts.

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