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Shame must switch sides

How survivors are reclaiming power Content warning: Mentions of rape, sexual assault, and violence. Survivors of sexual assault and rape often have to grapple silently with feelings of shame. 72-year-old Gisèle Pelicot is flipping the script: Placing the shame on the perpetrators of sexual assault and rape. In November 2020, Pelicot’s husband Dominique[Read More…]

Recap: McGill student societies hold General Assemblies to strike in solidarity with Palestine

During the week of Nov. 18, several McGill student associations held General Assemblies (GAs) to vote on a motion to strike in solidarity with Palestine following a national call for action from Students for Justice in Palestine. Thhe McGill Students’ Geography Society (MUGS), Philosophy Students’ Association (PSA), and Anthropology Students’[Read More…]

The Tribune’s SSMU by-election endorsements

The Tribune’s editorial board presents its endorsements of the candidates for the Fall 2024 Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) by-election for the Vice-President (VP) Student Life and VP Sustainability and Operations positions. Editors researched and communicated with each candidate before leading an editorial board discussion on the candidate’s qualifications[Read More…]

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