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1899 is a brilliant mosaic in nine different languages

1899 is a multi-everything show: Multilingual, multicultural, multigenerational, and with multiple plotlines. Even the most intuitive of viewers are guaranteed to be thrown by one of the plot twists—because spoiler alert, there are multiple!  The eight-episode Netflix series, released on Nov. 17, follows passengers on a cross-Atlantic naval voyage thrown[Read More…]

The McGill Tribune presents: THE BEST AND WORST OF 2022

BEST OF Albums Mitski, Laurel Hell – Ella Buckingham Japanese-American singer-songwriter Mitski’s sixth studio album, Laurel Hell, comes off the back of her three-year hiatus and is an artful collection of head-bopping pop numbers and slow, narrative ballads. Though veering more toward the mainstream than her previous albums, throughout this[Read More…]

“There’s Nothing More Queer than Nature”: A Q&A with Ann-Marie MacDonald

Spoilers ahead for Fayne Award-winning playwright, novelist, actress, and broadcaster Ann-Marie MacDonald has written her “youngest and most joyful” novel to date. Fayne is set in 19th-century Britain and yet entirely modern in feel. The book is a sprawling, ornately detailed, and genre-defying epic that follows the precocious Charlotte Bell[Read More…]

Growing into the Red Jersey

Canadian university athletes’ collegiate careers are short. Under current U Sport eligibility rules, athletes are restricted to only five years of eligibility, providing a challenging timeline for those looking to make an impact on their programs. Individuals are given a year—including the off-season—to take on the mantle of captain or[Read More…]

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