Since the resignation of Anuradha Mallik in 2017, the Students’ Society of McGill University’s (SSMU) vice-president (VP) Operations and Sustainability position has been vacant. The SSMU Legislative Council approved a motion in January 2022 to remove the position from the SSMU Constitution. The motion, however, was never ratified through a[Read More…]
Latest News
Oh, the tattoos we’ve inked
An ornate stone house with a plaque reading “Fais-Moi L’Art Gallery” sits on the corner of Rue Cherrier and Saint André, spilling light onto a quiet, dark street. It is the opening night of Poline Harbali’s exhibit They wrote the countries borders on my skin, and all the commotion is[Read More…]
What’s in your water? This revolutionary AI technology breaks it down
Across the planet, corporations and municipalities account for over 30 per cent of accessible and renewable freshwater usage. They generate colossal amounts of wastewater containing various concentrations of elements such as copper, zinc, titanium, and mercury, which unfortunately make their way into our drinking water. Now, instead of worrying about[Read More…]
Tips to survive the impending Montreal winter
With the temperatures steadily dropping and the leaves quickly disappearing, it’s time we accept the inevitable: Winter is coming. If it’s your first winter here, you’re in for quite the treat. If it isn’t, then great—I hope you remembered your jacket. After some 12 years of living in Montreal and[Read More…]
Tote bags: Tote-ally cute or tote-ally cringe?
From my daily commute, to literature classes, to my close friend group—everywhere I go, tote bags follow me. I have always dismissed this as an aesthetic trend, making fun of my friends carrying a tote to campus compared to the practical, and may I say classy, backpack. However, I recently[Read More…]
Innovative algorithm develops theories on rules of human language
Over the last several years, artificial intelligence (AI) has made huge strides forward in the areas of language modelling and translation. Recent improvements are exemplified by the accuracy of machine translation services such as Google Translate, the ability of devices like Amazon’s Alexa to interpret and respond to instructions given[Read More…]
McGill’s volunteer-based note-sharing service falls short according to users and volunteers
Three years ago, Student Accessibility and Achievement (SAA) transformed the note-taking role from a paid to a voluntary position. Note-takers are students who provide their notes to other students registered with the SAA. Since the change, many students registered for the SAA’s note-taking accommodation and note-takers themselves have been disappointed[Read More…]
Patati Patata is the charming, local diner we all love
Oh, I’m exhausted. Now there’s an opening sentence to remember. I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to yawn in your face. It’s 6:30 p.m. on a Saturday and St. Laurent is subdued. It’s not deserted—the street’s just napping before the partying commences. Normally I’m able to find some time to write,[Read More…]
McGill Policy Association hosts ‘Indigenous Voices in Resource-Sector Policy’ panel
On Nov. 9, the McGill Policy Association (MPA) hosted a panel titled “Indigenous Voices in Resource-Sector Policy,” which centred around Indigenous activism within environmental policy. The first of the two panellists was Yolanda Lopez-Maldanado, an Indigenous Maya from Mexico and the recently appointed Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Indigenous Affairs Officer[Read More…]
The 2022 World Cup and the murky ethics of sports consumption
On Nov. 20, the long-awaited FIFA World Cup will kick off in Qatar. Despite the excitement of fans worldwide, the 2022 World Cup has been rife with intense controversy. Qatar has been accused of devastating human rights violations against the workers who built the stadiums, and the country’s lack of[Read More…]