
McGill governance 101

STUDENTS’ SOCIETY OF MCGILL UNIVERSITY (SSMU) The governing body for undergraduate and professional students. What They Do SSMU’s mandate includes supervising undergraduate clubs and extracurricular activities, managing and ensuring the sustainability of Gerts and other long-term operations, advocating for student interests in the Senate, and planning social events such as[Read More…]

Bridging the gap: fostering a partnership between Walksafe and Service d’accueil

Following the cancellation of transportation services due to cuts in school board funding in September 2016, McGill Walksafe partnered with Service d’accueil du Centre Multi-Ethnique St-Louis, a daycare linked with FACE elementary school. Although the children were previously able to take busses from the Service d’accueil daycare to the Recreation[Read More…]

OSD Office

The Office for Students with Disabilities provides new assessments for ADHD diagnoses

The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) launched a new Learning Assessment Service in the first week of September that aims to make official diagnoses of learning disabilities like Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) more effective and financially accessible for students. While the standard cost of diagnosing learning disabilities is $1500,[Read More…]

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