The one constant for me throughout this turbulent pandemic has been seeking refuge in the outdoors. During the headlines, elections, and political battles that constantly preoccupied everyone’s minds, nature became a source of comfort and solace. It was in April 2020 when the virus initially surged in New England, right[Read More…]
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The unspoken harm of digital hoarding
Toward the end of my winter break, I flipped open my copy of the New York Times to find a dying Seneca, scantily clad with arms outstretched as if to spread the last vestiges of his sagacity to his surrounding party. He was trapped in the chassis of an article[Read More…]
SSMU President back in the limelight, but questions about absence remain
Darshan Daryanani is resuming his duties as president of the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) after a five month break rife with contentious questions and debates regarding the circumstances of his absence. In an interview with The McGill Tribune, Daryanani raised several grievances he has against SSMU leadership, who,[Read More…]
How to care for caregivers: A new online dementia education program
Many caregivers for those living with dementia are family members and friends who sacrifice their time—and even compromise their own health—to care for their loved ones. However, family and friends often lack training and support, which can put them at risk of suffering from stress and burnout. A new program[Read More…]
McGill Committee responds to expression of concern regarding Dollarama warehouse workers, recommends no action
On Feb. 10, McGill’s Committee to Advise on Matters of Social Responsibility (CAMSR) issued its report on the expression of concern the McGill Corporate Accountability Project (MCAP) submitted to the university’s Board of Governors (BoG) in August 2021. The expression of concern regarded the alleged human rights abuses and mistreatment[Read More…]
To strip or not to strip: The power of political nudity
Content warning: Mentions of sexual violence Activism is an artform. Inspiring and resonating with enough people to make a difference often demands human connection through loud and creative means. Like spoken or written words, nudity carries endless potential for representing a cause, both within and beyond the feminist domain with[Read More…]
Local artists explore the trials and triumphs of Quebec’s hip-hop scene
In the dark depths of winter, the PHI Centre, a creative space known for hosting many of Montreal’s most creative and experimental art installations, is bringing a little light back to the city. Their latest exhibit, entitled Visions Hip-Hop QC, displays the work of Marven Clerveau, a 26-year-old contemporary auditory[Read More…]
‘Decolonizing Approaches to Research’ tackles whitewashing and Eurocentrism in research
McGill’s Faculty of Education hosted a panel on Feb. 17 titled “Decolonizing Approaches to Research” that addressed colonial barriers to research through the lens of McGill’s research relationship with Barbados. Moderated by Jean St. Vil, a special advisor to the vice principal, the panel featured professor Terri Givens, provost’s academic[Read More…]
The Sally Rooney effect
In reaction to the pandemic, people have indulged in melancholy. Though Sally Rooney’s novel Normal People was neither her debut nor her most recent, it was the one that made her famous. The gloomy but beautiful novel was published in 2018, and adapted for television by the BBC two years[Read More…]
Giving back and moving forward in the medical sphere
Racial biases have major impacts on the medical field, from inaccurate diagnostics to nonconsensual procedures—but always to the detriment of marginalized communities. Many medical professionals at McGill and in Montreal are working to change this, however: The Social Accountability and Community Engagement Office of McGill’s Faculty of Medicine and Health[Read More…]