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SSMU’s private failings should be public

On Nov. 8, The McGill Daily published an article detailing their efforts to investigate Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) president Darshan Daryanani’s ongoing absence. After reaching out to several councillors and staff as part of their investigation, Daily journalists received a hostile email from vice-president (VP) Internal Sarah Paulin,[Read More…]

MAI’s new exhibit ‘Making Revolution’ dissects the anatomy of revolutions

On Nov. 11, the vernissage for Making Revolution: Collective Histories, Desired Futures, curated by Farah Atoui and Viviane Saglier, took place at the Montréal Arts, Interculturels (MAI). This thought-provoking and heartfelt display of short films showcases works from a selection of artists, exploring revolutions and conflicts in Egypt, Lebanon, Palestine,[Read More…]

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