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2024 PGSS executive midterm reviews

The Tribune’s Editorial Board presents its midterm reviews of the Post-Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS) executives. Tribune editors researched and communicated with each executive before leading an Editorial Board discussion on the executives’ work and accomplishments. Editors with conflicts of interest abstained from discussing, writing, and editing relevant reviews. PGSS Secretary-General: Satish Kumar Tumulu [Read More…]

2024 SSMU executive midterm reviews

The Tribune’s Editorial Board presents its midterm reviews of the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) and Post-Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS) executives. Tribune editors researched and communicated with each executive before leading an Editorial Board discussion on the executives’ work and accomplishments. Editors with conflicts of interest abstained from discussing,[Read More…]

Nurturing culturally safe birth care for Indigenous communities

Indigenous communities, particularly First Nations, Inuit, and Métis women, face unique and significant challenges in accessing equitable healthcare during pregnancy and childbirth. Historical and ongoing disparities in healthcare access and quality, mistreatment and abuse of Indigenous people in colonial healthcare systems, lack of healthcare services in remote communities and northern[Read More…]

Shame must switch sides

How survivors are reclaiming power Content warning: Mentions of rape, sexual assault, and violence. Survivors of sexual assault and rape often have to grapple silently with feelings of shame. 72-year-old Gisèle Pelicot is flipping the script: Placing the shame on the perpetrators of sexual assault and rape. In November 2020, Pelicot’s husband Dominique[Read More…]

Recap: McGill student societies hold General Assemblies to strike in solidarity with Palestine

During the week of Nov. 18, several McGill student associations held General Assemblies (GAs) to vote on a motion to strike in solidarity with Palestine following a national call for action from Students for Justice in Palestine. Thhe McGill Students’ Geography Society (MUGS), Philosophy Students’ Association (PSA), and Anthropology Students’[Read More…]

The Tribune’s SSMU by-election endorsements

The Tribune’s editorial board presents its endorsements of the candidates for the Fall 2024 Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) by-election for the Vice-President (VP) Student Life and VP Sustainability and Operations positions. Editors researched and communicated with each candidate before leading an editorial board discussion on the candidate’s qualifications[Read More…]

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