Dear Ainsley, I’m in my second year at McGill, and I just moved into my first apartment with four of my friends. Although I’m very excited for this new chapter of adulthood, I’ve never had roommates before, and I’m worried that a five-person apartment is bound to breed conflict. What[Read More…]
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Investigating McGill’s mysterious Mafia Club
If you want to improve your poker face, teamwork skills, and strategic thinking, look no further than McGill’s Mafia Club. Known for its long nights of intense gameplay filled with lies and deception, this student club offers a unique sense of community centred on the beloved game of social deduction.[Read More…]
‘Lettuce eat’: McGill’s first lettuce-eating competition a success
Despite the stress of adjusting to a hybrid semester, McGill students ‘romaine’ committed to cultivating a vibrant campus culture. Case in point: The unbe-leaf-able turnout for McGill’s first-ever lettuce-eating competition, which took place at the lower field on Sept. 24. Upwards of 150 people, ranging from enthusiastic participants to bemused[Read More…]
Nights at Jeanne-Mance
By the time 8:00 p.m. rolls around on a nice night, Jeanne-Mance Park is crowded with people. As the sun sets, people form small circles, huddle around picnic tables, and can sometimes be spotted dancing on the grass. In an effort to better understand the diversity of these park gatherings,[Read More…]
Embracing the uncertainties of hybrid learning
After the August heatwave, September promised to bring fall weather, pumpkin spice lattes, and the ability to wear full-length pants outside of the house. And for a while, it did: Jeans walked the campus roads; cardigans thrived. But then, the average temperature rose to around 20 degrees Celsius, bringing with[Read More…]
McGill’s library vaccine mandate is indicative of its patchwork approach to COVID-19
On Sept. 17, McGill sent an email announcing that students will need to present their Quebec COVID-19 vaccine passport to enter any on-campus library—beginning in mid-October. The announcement came three weeks into the Fall semester, amidst demands from McGill students and faculty to implement stricter COVID-19 protections. The Students’ Society[Read More…]
McGill researchers find link between chronotype and sleep behaviour
Irregular sleep schedules are common among university students: From late night exam cramming to binge-watching favourite TV shows, most students have first-hand experience with sleep deprivation. Since proper rest is essential for optimal functioning and health, disrupted sleep is associated with many health-adverse effects including cardiovascular diseases. As such, studying[Read More…]
Film trailers with spoilers rob us of the joy of surprise
In an era of empty movie theatres and increasingly popular streaming services, movie marketers are desperate to entice viewers back to cinemas. According to the Motion Pictures Association’s annual theme report, the United States and Canada’s box office market decreased by 81 per cent between 2019 and 2020. At the[Read More…]
Tribune Explains: What happens if your classmate gets COVID-19?
McGill’s COVID-19 management and prevention plan implemented during the return to in-person teaching includes COVID-19-related accommodations, a system of contact tracing, and email alerts to exposure risks. The McGill Tribune looked into what students can expect if they receive an email notice of a potential COVID-19 exposure. Who handles COVID-19[Read More…]
McGill to mandate vaccine passports for library access starting mid-October
Deputy Provost Fabrice Labeau announced Sept. 17 that McGill students and faculty will need to show their Quebec vaccine passports in order to access campus libraries starting mid-October. Library staff will be exempt from this mandate. While conferences and classes will not bar unvaccinated students from attending in person, Labeau[Read More…]