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Let’s go for a walk

Before the pandemic, I relieved my stress by chugging beer from a regulation Sleeman cup. Now, I go for walks. Which one is healthier? I couldn’t tell you.    Whether I am sad, happy, overwhelmed, or lonely, I go for a walk. These days, all I do with my free[Read More…]

Isolated nights

In March 2020, many McGill students unwittingly set off on what would be their last night out for a very long time. Students currently sequestered at home often long for nights spent in dimly lit, sweaty spaces. Even for those who abandoned the Saint-Laurent club scene after their first year[Read More…]

Study finds gender gap continues to persist in archaeology

For centuries, women have fought to have their scientific contributions recognized, and the challenge to secure tenure-track positions in academia is no different. Despite women representing two-thirds of all Canadian doctorates in archaeology today, they only comprise one-third of the country’s tenured faculty.  Lisa Overholtzer, an assistant professor of archaeology[Read More…]

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