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Advocates argue for more resources after Quebec Superior Court rules to exempt the unhoused from curfew

Following the death of “Napa” Raphael André, an unhoused individual who froze to death on Jan. 16, Quebec Superior Court Justice Chantal Masse ordered on Jan. 26. that unhoused populations be exempt from the province-wide curfew. In Justice Masse’s decision, which came after much public outcry, she stated that the[Read More…]

SSMU Legislative Council approves motion to support Dollarama workers

The Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Legislative Council assembled on Jan. 28, where they passed several motions and reviewed the Financial Committee’s Investigation into SSMU’s Student Fee Policies (I.S.S.Fee.P). The meeting hosted an organizer from the Immigrant Workers Centre (IWC) who presented on the labor conditions in Dollarama warehouses[Read More…]

EDRSC panel brings attention to misrepresentation of eating disorders in media

CW: Eating disorders The Students’ Society of McGill University’s (SSMU) Eating Disorder Resource and Support Centre (EDRSC) held a panel discussion on eating disorders and their representation in mainstream media as a part of SSMU’s Mental Health Action Week. Held on Jan. 27, the “Misrepresentations of Eating Disorders in the[Read More…]

‘Euphoria’ bridge episodes give special insight into the show’s leads

Fans of HBO’s Euphoria were given two bridge episodes to stave off their hunger for a second season of the acclaimed show. Released on Dec. 6 and Jan. 24, respectively, the bridge episodes provided stripped-down character studies for the show’s protagonists and main couple: Rue Bennett (Zendaya) in “Trouble Don’t Always[Read More…]

Change Makers: Andrea Brazeau

In the first episode of the Change Makers podcast, Multimedia Editor Sarah Ford speaks with Andrea Brazeau, an Inuk fourth year Education student who has been fighting for the Quebec government to provide better wifi to Nunavik. They discuss the implications of the issue, the government’s inaction, and what McGill[Read More…]

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