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PGSS Legislative Council votes to restructure Health and Wellness Committee

During the Post-Graduate Students’ Society’s (PGSS) virtual Council meeting on Jan. 13, councillors approved the proposed restructuring of the PGSS Health and Wellness Committee and discussed the inclusion of graduate students on departmental faculty hiring committees.  At the beginning of the meeting, former PGSS Secretary-General Maria Tippler spoke on her[Read More…]

Spending the holidays with chosen family

For many, this holiday season was spent away from loved ones. At a time when uniting with  family feels especially pertinent, the realities of the pandemic remain stark. Nonetheless, students adapted, finding comfort in friends, roommates, and themselves.  Ollie F., U3 Arts, spent the holidays with their roommate and boyfriend.[Read More…]

SSMU Legislative Council discusses McGill administration’s stance on the S/U policy

The Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Legislative Council convened on Dec. 4 to pass several motions and discuss recent student activism that has been pressuring the administration into adopting the Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) policy for Fall 2020 semester courses. The council also voted to approve a motion which will provide[Read More…]

Post-Graduate Students’ Society of McGill University Executive Midterm Reviews 2020-2021

Maria Tippler, Secretary-General Despite taking up the PGSS Secretary-General position in early October, Tippler has initiated  several advocacy, administrative, and support projects this semester. On the advocacy front, Tippler has focussed on accreditations and tuition fee deregulations, WorkDay HR technical issues, and Bill 21. On the administrative side, Tippler has[Read More…]

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