In August 2019, Twitter user @bimbofication, real name Natasha, tweeted a now-iconic photo that garnered nearly 50,000 likes and a combined 20,000 retweets and quote tweets. The photo features two young white women wearing coordinated blue skinny jeans, brown ankle boots, and leather handbags. It is the kind of photo[Read More…]
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MISC talk describes Marshall McLuhan’s role in the Quiet Revolution
The McGill Institute for the Study of Canada (MISC) invited Jonathan Slater, a professor of public relations at State University of New York Plattsburgh (SUNY) on Oct. 14 to give a lecture exploring the influence of Canadian philosopher Marshall McLuhan on the role of mass media in Quebec’s Quiet Revolution[Read More…]
Queer History Month highlights BIPOC advocacy
Despite Red Zone restrictions in Montreal, McGill’s Queer History Month is still in full swing. Created in 2018 by the Associate Provost’s Equity and Academics office, this year will mark its third edition, centred around the theme of “Love stories of solidarity and resilience.” For the first time, all of[Read More…]
In ‘The Invisible Man,’ not seeing is believing
Leigh Whannel’s film The Invisible Man, based on H.G. Wells’ 1897 novel of the same name, tells the story of a young woman, played by Elizabeth Moss, who escapes an abusive relationship with a tech-savvy millionaire. After faking his own death, Adrian, Moss’s on-screen ex-boyfriend, devises a bodysuit using optical[Read More…]
SSMU VP University Affairs proposes motion to pay SSMU Councillors
Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Vice-President (VP) University Affairs Brooklyn Frizzle submitted a motion to pay Legislative Council members for their work to the SSMU Steering Committee for the Oct. 8 Legislative Council meeting. While councillors and senators are expected to attend Council meetings, hold office hours, and work[Read More…]
Point-counterpoint: The greatest Formula 1 driver
The greatest Formula 1 drivers of all time come in pairs: Schumacher and Ferrari, Hamilton and Mercedes, and Senna and McLaren. To understand the magnitude of their greatness, one has to consider not just the stats but also the context behind each driver’s success. Looking at all of Formula 1[Read More…]
COMunity continues to connect commuter students
COMunity has been working hard to connect off-campus students together through the years, and that goal has only evolved and expanded with McGill’s recent shift to remote learning. The program is part of McGill’s Off-Campus and Commuter Student Support office, and on Oct. 14, they held a speed-friending event to[Read More…]
McGill COVID-19 case tracker counts positive cases present on campus
Recent outbreaks in McGill’s residences and in Quebec have called into question the functionality of McGill’s COVID-19 case tracker for students and employees. Since Oct. 4, the tracker has reported eight positive cases of COVID-19 on campus, an increase since mid-September. Deputy Provost (Student Life and Learning) Fabrice Labeau explained[Read More…]
SSMU advocates for affordable textbooks and Open Education Resources
Prior to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) began promoting Open Education Resources (OER), which makes textbooks more accessible by providing them free of charge. Despite rising tuition and textbook costs since the 1970s, the digitization of academia due to the pandemic has[Read More…]
‘Emily In Paris’ is poised off of an idealized Paris
Netflix’s latest release, Emily In Paris, is a plethora of generic tropes, teeming with cultural stereotypes, questionable outfits, and overused plot lines that induce eye-rolls from even the most charitable of viewers. I binged it in two days. The show revolves around 20-something-years-old American marketing extraordinaire Emily Cooper, played by[Read More…]