McGill suspends all online and physical classes Associate Provost (Teaching & Academic Programs) Christopher Buddle announced in a video update that McGill will be suspending all academic activities for the next two weeks during the COVID-19 crisis. “All classes are cancelled for the next two weeks, [both] online [and] in-person[Read More…]
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McGill closed for two weeks following provincial COVID-19 update
Quebec Premier announces closure of all schools Following a directive from the Quebec government on the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, McGill has cancelled classes and exams for the next two weeks. On March 13, Premier François Legault announced the two-week closure of CEGEPs, secondary schools, universities, and daycares province-wide. The McGill[Read More…]
Friday classes cancelled following coronavirus update
Deputy Provost (Student Life & Learning) Fabrice Labeau has announced that McGill will be cancelling classes and exams March 13 in an email sent to staff and students.
Putting pen to paper
The New York Times headline glared out on my screen. The words reflected a phenomenon all too common on many progressive, university communities across North America. “News or ‘Trauma Porn’?,” it began. “Student Journalists Face Blowback on Campus.” The Nov. 14, 2019 article by Julie Bosman, Mitch Smith, and Kate Taylor[Read More…]
Geoengineering is a band-aid solution to the climate crisis
The conversation around geoengineering, otherwise known as climate intervention or climate engineering, is gaining traction as climate projections remain dire. Offering many salient yet controversial ways to mitigate Earth’s rising temperatures, geoengineering methods include spraying sulphate particulates into the atmosphere to block out solar radiation, fertilizing the ocean with iron[Read More…]
Winter 2020 season recaps
Artistic Swimming The McGill Women’s Artistic Swim team started their season off strong, finishing first out of 11 teams at the McGill Invitational in November. Strong performances from sisters third-year Ioana Gheta and second-year Maria Gheta earned them first place in the duet/trio category. First-year Katherine Demond also performed well,[Read More…]
The social consequences of AI
Upon hearing the words “artificial intelligence” (AI), people tend to have mixed reactions. Science fiction’s favourite trope is AI taking over the world, and literature has been portraying such ideas since at least 1921, when Karel Čapek introduced the word ‘robot’ in his famous play R.U.R. The powerful applications of[Read More…]
The science behind back injuries
Canadian health organizations are increasingly pushing people to become more active. Groups such as the Canadian Paediatric Society are promoting programs like Active Kids, Healthy Kids, while the Canadian government is implementing programs that encourage activities such as dance and running. As sports and fitness become more popular, the risk[Read More…]
Postgraduate education in Canada poses financial barriers for students
With Reading Week over, many students are in the midst of sending out CVs and graduate school applications. While the students who desire to pursue postgraduate education come from all backgrounds, many Canadian universities continuously fail to accommodate low-income students in their admissions processes. In recent years, many postgraduate programs[Read More…]
Michael Haze confronts love and loss in his debut EP
“CANCER,” Michael Haze’s second track on his debut EP MICKEY, opens with the crackle of a vinyl record followed by a spare guitar riff. The melody is simple, a two note progression whose deeper half is echoed by a soft and higher strum. Subdued and sparse beats accompany the low[Read More…]