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North Korean defector shares her story with McGill students

“[People can help by communicating with] North Korea […] because now we have very limited accessibility about our world, that’s the reason why the North Korean government still keeps their [power],” Cha said. “The second thing is you can support their basic needs. In Canada there is [First Steps, a charity,] to [send food….] The last thing is you can support the North Korean refugees, and actually you are doing it here by listening to my stories.”

Students challenge SSMU Board of Directors’ authority to add GA quorum Referendum

“We are concerned about the power currently held by the Board of Directors—an unelected body whose power has been increased through constitutional amendments in the past few years,” Kirwin wrote. “This referendum question was brought by the BoD unconstitutionally, and as SSMU members, we must insist that constitutional modes of decision-making are upheld, and that power is not taken from the General Assembly and consolidated at the top of the ladder.”

Secretary-General Profiles and Endorsement

The McGill Tribune endorses Maria Tippler for PGSS Secretary-General. Tippler expresses an inclusive and forward-thinking vision for her role and the executive as a whole. Her team spirit will bode well when working with fellow executives on important initiatives such as mental health support.  Tippler has extensive experience that makes her[Read More…]

Montreal ranked ‘best beer city’ in Canada: The Tribune takes on the top three bars

If there’s one thing Montreal is known for, it’s the town's bustling party scene. So when travel agency Expedia recently rated cities across Canada for their local beer, it came as no surprise that Montreal topped the list. The McGill Tribune took a look into this rating by exploring three of[Read More…]

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