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A&E Halloween special: the best horror movies for all your niche spook-season needs

With Christmas family-comedy season beginning to rear its cringey head, our writers prescribe four horror classics to keep your spook-levels up all year round. Horror Movie with the Best Female Leads: Ginger Snaps (2000)     In a genre littered with disturbing representations of women, Ginger Snaps offers a unique portrayal of[Read More…]

Democratize SSMU motion of non-confidence in President fails at Fall General Assembly

On Oct. 16, a student activist group’s Facebook event titled “Democratize SSMU campaign” appeared on McGill students’ newsfeeds. The group, whose membership is anonymous, formed after the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Board of Directors (BoD) ratified a SSMU Judicial Board (J-Board) ruling on Sept. 17. The J-Board had[Read More…]

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