On March 8, the McGill Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism hosted “Stand with Us/Debout et Solidaire,” which coincided with International Women’s Day. The event focused on the issue of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls in Canada and was organized by a host of institutions, including the[Read More…]
Latest News
Ask Ainsley: I just had my first panic attack. What do I do?
Dear Ainsley, I just had my first panic attack after finding out that I’d failed a test, and it really scared me. What do I do to keep this from happening in the future? What resources are available to me? Sincerely, Perplexed About my Panic Attack (PAPA) Dear PAPA, First[Read More…]
OpenMedia McGill equips students with encryption tools
In a rapidly evolving world where people’s information is becoming more accessible and privacy is quickly eroding, anti-surveillance tools are increasing in popularity. To overcome a lack of privacy, OpenMedia McGill, in partnership with HackMcGill, acquainted students with anti-surveillance tools, like Tor and Signal, in a workshop on March 16.[Read More…]
Chez Boris is closing its doors at the end of April
Coffee and donuts are an age-old combination. But Chez Boris, located on the corner of Avenue du Parc and Avenue Laurier, made the pair extra-good. The quirky café—known for its ¢75 Russian-style beignets and incredible coffee—opened in August 2012; just five years later, it’s closing its doors. On March 1,[Read More…]
SSMU Indigenous Affairs Committee hosts Indigeneity & Solidarity Week 2017
From March 13 to 18, the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Indigenous Affairs Committee hosted the second annual Indigeneity and Solidarity Week in conjunction with the Indigenous Student Alliance (ISA), the American Indian Science and Engineering Society, the Indigenous Studies Program, and First Peoples’ House. Speakers conducted workshops, panel[Read More…]
The uphill battle to restoring trust in SSMU
On March 17, the results of this year’s Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) executive elections were announced. The entire process took less than 10 minutes. But brevity was to be expected–as is typical for SSMU elections, many of this year’s positions were uncontested, and the low level of fanfare[Read More…]
Pop Rhetoric: Youtube star JonTron’s unfortunate foray into alt-right politics
Millions of fans around the world love Jon Jafari—the creator of the JonTronShow and former Game Grumps host. For six years, his videos have brought tears of laughter to anyone fortunate enough to have discovered his channel—yet, with his recent foray into the alt-right and white supremacist political spheres, his[Read More…]
First annual ‘Clash of the Professors’ covers global economic affairs
On March 13, the McGill Students Trading Society (MSTS) hosted its first annual “Clash of the Professors’ event on the subject of global economic affairs. Economics Professor Paul Dickinson moderated the debate between Economics and North American Studies Associate Professor Tom Velk and Economics Associate Professor Christopher Ragan. MSTS Chief[Read More…]
Women who draw at McGill
Although visual arts have historically been gendered as a feminine pursuit, making them more socially acceptable for girls to explore their creativity than boys, a clear gender imbalance exists among the top figures of the industry, with male artists receiving more representation than women. To counter this inequality, Julia Rothman,[Read More…]
Lack of players dissappoints Team Canada
For Canadian hockey players, wearing the Maple Leaf is one of the highest honours in sports. For the chosen men and women, it signifies that he or she is amongs the world’s best. Unlike league play, representing one’s country is a patriotic duty, demonstrating pride in unparalleled ways.