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Montreal hipster ‘heard of it first’

In the Mile-End neighbourhood of Montreal, tote bags too-small-to-carry-anything-in are catching on. But local hipster James Bax assures that he totally heard of it first.  “Everyone started using these tote bags all of a sudden,” Bax said. “But I started it. I mean, I’ve used aesthetically-pleasing but nonfunctional things for[Read More…]

Review: Five takes on five dishes for five dollars each at CINKO Bar

CINKO, a resto-bar located in Montreal’s Quartier Latin, boasts a wide variety of dishes at only $5 per dish. To try out this seemingly too-good-to-be-true deal, The McGill Tribune’s Student Living team swung by during CINKO’s Saturday lunch hour, analyzing flavours and evaluating quality.   Poutine   While at first[Read More…]

Campus Spotlight: Social Equity and Diversity Education Office

The Social Equity and Diversity Education (SEDE) Office at McGill provides equity education across campus and beyond. Through equity training sessions, workshops, and advising services for students and faculty members, SEDE aims to serve the needs of marginalized voices on campus. Founded in 2005 by Associate Director Veronica Amberg, SEDE[Read More…]

Macdonald Campus holds referendum to explore disaffiliation with graduate student governance

Following a week-long campaign period, the Macdonald Campus Graduate Students’ Society (MCGSS) will hold a referendum on March 30 for its members to decide whether or not to explore disaffiliatation from the Post-Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS), which currently represents students on both the downtown and Macdonald campuses. If the motion passes,[Read More…]

Staff roundup: Drake – ‘More Life’

In More Life, Drake’s propensity for picking up Caribbean sound and slang is strong, and his growing paranoia of the people around him is stronger. Still, Drake’s talent lies in his humour and humility, and a few moments on More Life demonstrate that he hasn’t fully lost that yet.  Drake[Read More…]

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