In my first high school political science course, I had a friend who was very clever and well-informed—the kind of self-identified young intellectual that read the New York Times like scripture. One class, he got into an argument on electoral reform in Canada with another very clever and well-informed student.[Read More…]
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The Atwater Poetry Project ‘tells the truth’ through poetry
Most people rarely experience poetry outside of educational contexts—an AP Literature course in high school or a mandatory poetics course taken to fulfill requirements at university. The Atwater Poetry Project is changing that, just three metro stops from campus. Founded 14 years ago by poet and translator Oana Avasilichioaei, the[Read More…]
McGill’s Alegria Contemporary Ballet Company puts on multimedia performance
To think of dance purely as footwork is to underestimate the scope of the expression. To dance is to move, and to move can be interpreted in a variety of ways. On Feb. 23, the Alegria Contemporary Ballet Company, the only one of its kind at McGill, presented MOVE, a[Read More…]
PK’s back, back again
Eight months after the infamous trade that sent shock and anger throughout Montreal, former Habs fan-favourite P.K. Subban returned to the Bell Centre on Thursday, March 2. Tensions between Subban and the Montreal Canadiens’ front office boiled over last June, leading the Nashville Predators and Habs to swap their marquis defencemen.
McGill Synchro wins first for 4th year in a row
Overall, McGill came out on top with 50 points, beating out Ottawa, who came in second with 48 points.
Igor Sadikov resigns from SSMU BoD, Legislative Council to consider motion to remove him
Following votes not to remove Director and Arts Representative Igor Sadikov from the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Board of Directors (BoD) and the Arts Undergraduate Society (AUS) Legislative Council, SSMU Legislative Council will consider a motion to remove Sadikov at its March 9 meeting. “Be it Resolved that[Read More…]
SSMU General Assembly approves Motion Regarding Policy Against Ancillary Fee Increases
On Feb. 20, the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Winter 2017 General Assembly (GA) passed motions to oppose increases in ancillary fees and to formally ratify the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The GA was delayed by one hour in order to meet quorum. Although quorum was[Read More…]
‘Conversations with Muslims’ encourages discourse after Quebec City mosque attack
In response to the Quebec City mosque attack on Jan. 29, Conversations with Muslims was an open discussion between Muslim volunteer speakers and primarily non-Muslim participants. By organizing the event, international Community Action Network Executive Director at the McGill School of Social Work Amal Elsana and Egyptian Canadian Coalition for[Read More…]
McGill administration and SSMU meet to discuss Igor Sadikov
On Feb. 17, protesters demonstrated around the James Administration Building in response to the McGill administration’s alleged threat to terminate the Students’ Society of McGill University’s (SSMU) Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) if SSMU did not release a public statement calling for the resignation of Arts Representative Igor Sadikov. Sadikov caused[Read More…]
Habs dump Michel Therrien for Claude Julien
Only in Montreal will a hockey team sitting atop their division fire their head coach. This was exactly the scenario last Tuesday Feb. 14, when the Canadiens terminated Head Coach Michel Therrien.