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Fostering student innovation in Montreal: QISS Innovation Seminar Series hosts event

On Feb. 15, the Quartier de l’Innovation Students’ Society (QISS) hosted Montreal City Councillor Harout Chitilian as part of their Innovation Seminar Series. Chitilian discussed Montreal’s Smart and Digital City Initiative, which he is currently spearheading. The smart city initiative aims to integrate advanced technologies into as many spheres of[Read More…]

Benefits of geothermal energy discussed at Engineers-in-Action event

One of the biggest issues concerning attempts at reducing greenhouse gas emissions is the world’s complete dependency on burning fossil fuels for energy. Currently, modern livelihoods rely on continuous advancements in electricity, transportation, and technology. Antonino Lagana, the principal engineer at engineering company Stantec and a 1993 McGill University graduate[Read More…]

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