In June 2016, the Vice-Principal (VP) Large Events of the Symphonic Band Club Jerry Xie visited room 428 in the Shatner Building–where the club stored its equipment–only to find $6,000 worth of sheet music missing. The previous month, the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) had accidentally misplaced the sheet[Read More…]
Latest News
Is there an upside to the O’Leary candidacy?
It’s been an odd political year. As news from the United States continues to descend into absurdity, in Canada the Conservative Party leadership race drudges on, complete with a cast of characters large enough to carry a Marvel movie. The Conservative race came to McGill on Feb. 13, as TV[Read More…]
Montreal must unite in the noble cause for winter cycling
Montreal has recently become the battleground of a grand, revolutionary conflict: The winter cyclists’ struggle to cross the Jacques Cartier Bridge in the face of oppressive civil authorities. The city exercised a tyrannical measure when it resolved to close the bicycle path of the Jacques Cartier Bridge for the winter.[Read More…]
Redmen help Canada take bronze at FISU Winter University Games
When one thinks of the ideal venue for the International University Sports Federation (FISU) 2017 Winter University Games, Kazakhstan probably isn’t the hockey mecca that comes to mind. However, for McGill Redmen Hockey centre Mathieu Pompei and defenceman Nathan Chiarlitti, the opportunity to head to the Kazakh city of Almaty to represent Canadian universities was a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
Players’ Theatre’s ‘Art’ is fiercely sarcastic, cynical, and hilarious
Your friend buys a painting. Not just any painting, but an Antrios painting. In fact, it may be the best Antrios painting around, better than the three at the gallery. It’s a staggering work—about five feet by four—and it cost—well, I won’t say how much, but it’s more than you earn[Read More…]
Redmen basketball celebrate seniors with victory over Gaiters
McGill Redmen basketball (12-3) took a swift 89-71 victory over the Bishop’s Gaiters (2-12) on Saturday Feb. 18, just days after clinching the top seed in the RSEQ playoffs. Prior to the game, the Redmen honoured their four graduating members–Jenning Leung, Michael Peterkin, Daniel Pieper, and Regis Ivaniukas–as part of Senior Day festivities.
Winter 2017 SSMU General Assembly Endorsements
Motion Regarding Policy Against Ancillary Fee Increases: “Yes” Ancillary fees are non-opt-outable fees that are charged to students to fund various student service units, including Student Services, Athletics and Recreation, the World University Services Canada (WUSC) Student Refugee Program, Access McGill, and Athletics Facilities Improvement. Current estimates from the university[Read More…]
Trib Mix: Dad Rock
You’ve seen the hordes of white middle-aged men longing for the days when music was loud, men were men, guitar solos were long, and the word “rock” was a verb. You’ve seen the YouTube comment sections packed to the brim with 12-year-olds claiming to be born in the “wrong generation.”[Read More…]
HANY Refugee Summit hosts experts to discuss new approaches to global refugee crisis
On Feb. 5, the HANY Refugee Summit brought together four experts of various professional backgrounds to discuss the modern refugee crisis. McGill professor Arash Abizadeh, Co-director of the National Observatory on Language Rights Frédéric Bérard, Executive Director of Action Réfugiés Montréal Paul Clarke, and Managing Partner at XPND Capital Alexandre[Read More…]
Ask Ainsley: I’m developing feelings for my casual hookup. What do I do?
Dear Ainsley, I recently started hooking up with someone new. Everything has been going well so far and they’re super fun, but I can’t help but worry that I’m going to get attached, and from what I’ve heard, they’re not looking for anything serious at the moment. To be honest,[Read More…]