The 6’4” Arts fourth-year starting centre of the Martlet basketball squad bounds into the room eager to talk about her team. Though a bona fide Canadian collegiate basketball superstar in her own right, Alex Kiss-Rusk is one of the least individualistic, most team-oriented athletes on campus.
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La Petite Floride: The magic school bus in the Mile End
Hidden away deep in the Mile End, at the corner of Rue Bernard and Avenue de Gaspé, sits a quaint school bus, a glowing skating rink, and, sitting outside the bus, is what seems to be a bar more fitting for tropical Hawaii than wintry Montreal. The café-bar’s name is[Read More…]
Album Review: I See You – The xx
The xx’s 2009 self-titled debut was a watershed album for indie rock, one that effortlessly fused after-midnight R&B with pop sensibilities. Eight years later, much has changed. World-shifting indie rock records like The xx’s debut now seem few and far between. The band itself has splintered off in different directions;[Read More…]
TNC’s “Be Tween” presents pubescent nostalgia
Tuesday Night Cafe (TNC) Theatre latest production, Be Tween, depicts the honesty the ephemeral and profound experience of undergoing puberty with charming honesty. Written and directed by Concordia student Phoebe Fregoli, the play begins with middle-schooler Gemma (Michaela Snoyer) waiting at a bus stop for her best friend Julie (Claire[Read More…]
McGill-led company, Carbicrete, designs carbon neutral concrete
The process of manufacturing cement—the primary material used in the production of concrete—accounts for five per cent of the world’s carbon dioxide emissions. The emissions from cement production are unsustainable at the planet’s current rate of development. However, Carbicrete, a McGill-led technology company, has developed patented technology that not only[Read More…]
An afternoon at The Word: The history behind the Milton-Parc gem
Over the course of their time at McGill, a large portion of students become familiar with The Word—a quaint bookstore located on Rue Milton. Even during its busiest hours, there is a special sense of serenity that emanates throughout the shop. A calm, coordinated silence embraces the room, and a[Read More…]
Former Canadian High Commissioner James Wright speaks at round table event in Montreal
On Jan. 18, former Canadian high commissioner to the UK James Wright spoke at the University Club of Montreal at the “Brexit’s Fallout on International Security” event jointly organised by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Association of Canada and the Montreal Press Club. The discussion centred on the consequences[Read More…]
AVEQ criticizes government consultation efforts on sexual violence
Government consultation efforts On Jan. 12, the Association for the Voice of Education in Quebec (AVEQ) released a statement in collaboration with the Association pour un Solidarité Syndicale Étudiante (ASSÉ) in response to government consultations regarding sexual violence. Kristen Perry, AVEQ coordinator of Mobilization and Associative Development/English language media relations,[Read More…]
Canadian universities team up to track down rare radio signals in space
Space. The first image that comes to mind is probably the night sky, a tranquil blanket of empty blackness dotted with twinkling stars, but this image is deceiving. Not only are stars much more sparse in the universe than the sky may lead one to believe, but the vast voids[Read More…]
Reflections from the Women’s March on Washington
On the afternoon of Jan. 20, I dredged through Jeanne Mance Park, making an effort to step in the footprints of those before me, grasping large pieces of cardboard. I was running late to class, but that wasn’t my main priority. I was focused on getting to campus to meet[Read More…]