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Instagram embroidery: Emily Sanders on needlepoint and the online art community with @thread_counted

Since its inception in 2010, Instagram has grown to serve a vast range of purposes for different online communities; many lovers of fashion, dogs, and memes have all found their home there. For Emily Sanders, U3 Arts student better known by her 1,200+ followers as @thread_counted, the app has allowed[Read More…]

SSMU Council passes motion to oppose Bill 62

On Jan. 12 the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Legislative Council voted to pass the Motion Regarding SSMU Opposition to Quebec Bill 62 and the Motion Regarding Interim Provision for Board of Directors Reporting. Furthermore, faculty committees and SSMU executives gave reports outlining key updates and plans for new[Read More…]

Letter to the Editor: Fuck Jordan Peterson

I can’t believe we’re still talking about Jordan Peterson. I'm disappointed that the Tribune found it necessary to publish an article by Gabriel Rincon making the tired argument that there is somehow a deeper free speech issue behind Peterson’s transphobia (“Jordan Peterson’s real thesis lost in U of T pronoun debate,” Jan. 10). Spoiler:[Read More…]

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