A Physical Education and Health Education student, Jarry was named a conference all-star and has placed in the top 10 in seven out of his eight races in 2016.
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Bridging the gap between the downtown and Mac campuses
Although they are two halves of a single university, for downtown students, it may seem that the main things that the Macdonald and main campus share are the McGill name and a shuttle bus. The two campuses have separate student unions; therefore, students from one campus do not often engage[Read More…]
Trump victory draws increased international interest in McGill
Donald Trump’s victory in the United States’ presidential election on Nov. 8 has triggered increased interest in McGill from international students, both in America and abroad. According to Director of Admissions Kim Bartlett, McGill received 400 applications from American high school students in the week following the election. A[Read More…]
How hip hop changed basketball
The differing perceptions of Jordan and Iverson in the 1990s was emblematic of the tension between the NBA and Hip Hop. Iverson had no regard for the rules and openly rebelled against the league’s dress code policy. MJ, on the other hand was always dressed in corporate clean-cut suits pre- and post-game.
Artist Spotlight: Student comedian Jeremy Ullman
The crowd has decided, and your winner is…Jeremy Ullman!” Fresh-faced 21-year-old McGill student Jeremy Ullman is the victor of the Comedy Nest’s open mic night. It is an odd time and place for a comedy show—it is Wednesday night, Nov. 23, the bar is bizarrely located on the third floor[Read More…]
Brunch at the Dép: Dépanneur Fancé blurs the line between dep and cafe
The dépanneur, or “dép,” is traditionally dimly lit, and its shelves are lined with frayed cardboard boxes of Kraft Dinner, ramen, and exquisitely cheap wine. It is home to racks of gum, chocolate bars, and the occasional school supply. Montrealers rely upon déps for their quick convenience and their[Read More…]
The McGill Ice Hockey Research Group is changing hockey
The IHRG’s Helmet Ergonomics and Anthropometry Database (HEAD) study hopes to address this issue. The team aims to design helmets compatible with a variety of head shapes.
Bilingual infants take a unique path to speech development
Newborn babies have many monumental tasks before them, a key one being the acquisition of language. In our first few years, we must learn to recognize characteristic sounds, distinguish separate words, interpret more complex word combinations, and eventually assign meaning to what we hear. For infants raised in bilingual environments,[Read More…]
McGill students and faculty push for vaccine education
“Prevention against morbidity and mortality by vaccination is one of the biggest medical successes in humanity. Never forget that fact. Get vaccinated,” Dr. Jörg Fritz, assistant professor in McGill’s Department of Microbiology and Immunology, told the audience at the first night of the three-part seminar series entitled “Let’s Talk About[Read More…]
SSMU executive midterm reviews
This week, the McGill Tribune conducted midterm reviews of the Students' Society of McGill University (SSMU) executives. Daniel Lawrie: VP Internal Lawrie’s led SSMU’s shift to playing a more administrative rather than programming role in Froshes. Events were successfully coordinated and executed with various vice-presidents of each faculty’s undergraduate society. A new[Read More…]