On Oct. 20, the Centre for the Study of Democratic Citizenship (CSDC) held a forum on federal electoral reform at McGill's New Residence Hall with the goal of engaging the public in a discussion on possible alternative electoral systems for Canada. Four distinguished academics, Political Science Associate Professor Sven-Oliver Proksch[Read More…]
Latest News
2016 Lorne Trottier Symposium on Science and the Media discusses the challenge of pseudoscience in reporting
Today it might be bacon, but tomorrow it could be avocados; the public has a macabre obsession with searching for things that may kill us. In the Age of Anxiety, it’s easy to get lost in all the opinions thrown around as fact in the media. The Lorne Trottier Symposium[Read More…]
The ineffective weekly conference: Getting past 10% participation marks
"And be sure to say your name before speaking, so I can put you down for participation marks," a teaching assistant instructs a room of blank-faced undergraduate students. An attendance sheet circulates. A pen taps against a desk. To break the silence, someone offers a summary of the week's course[Read More…]
From botched fields to gruelling weekends, McGill Martlet Field Hockey endures
Being a collegiate athlete at McGill is an enormous commitment. Practices during the week and travelling for games on the weekend takes up a large block of student athletes’ schedules. However, the Martlet Varsity Field Hockey team experiences this reality at an extreme.
Album Review: The Altar – Banks
Over the two years after the release of her first album, Goddess (2014) Jillian Banks—better known by her stage name, Banks—has climbed to success, winning awards and touring internationally with The Weeknd. The University of Southern California graduate’s academic background in psychology shines through in the themes she explores in[Read More…]
2016-2017 NBA Season Preview
Urban legends of McGill residences
From the Upper Rez residents complaining about the hill to the hotel-style residents’ habit of locking themselves out, each McGill residence has its own atmosphere and annoyances. One of the few things they share in common are the urban legends that any first-year student living in residence has heard. These[Read More…]
McGill Tribune Sports Podcast: NBA Season Preview with Paul Jones
Aaron Rose and Arman Bery chat with NBA Raptors analyst Paul Jones to get you set for the upcoming 2016-17 season. They talk about what to expect from the Raptors this year, especially their young power forwards and guard Terrance Ross. Jones gives his thoughts on Cleveland’s ability to counter Golden[Read More…]
Album Review: A Seat at the Table – Solange
★★★★★ Moms are known for picking favourites, based on just about anything really (usually whichever child takes out the trash that week or helps bring in groceries). What is a mom like Tina Knowles-Lawson supposed to do? Now the second album of the year from a Knowles, Solange breaks through[Read More…]
In conversation with the Kansas City Chiefs’ Laurent Duvernay-Tardif
Balancing a full course load and extracurricular activities is demanding for anybody, but McGill medical student Laurent Duvernay-Tardif is more than up for the challenge—especially given his “extracurricular activity” entails a full-time NFL job.