Ariana Grande, our reigning Queen of Pop, has blessed us with many studio albums, from Yours, Truly, which embodies the pure innocence and joy that accompanies young love, to thank u, next, where we find out that the honeymoon phase doesn’t actually last forever, to her last album, Positions, where[Read More…]
Latest News
Diversity dynamics: Exploring organizational diversity’s impact on minority recruitment
Existing research in the field of psychology has shown that organizational diversity influences the work environment and the behaviours of individuals seeking employment opportunities. In a paper titled “A field study of the impacts of workplace diversity on the recruitment of minority group members,” Jordan Axt, assistant professor in McGill’s[Read More…]
How Augmented Reality technology could transform food quality assessment
Rapid technological advancements have transformed numerous industries, including the field of food quality assessment. Augmented Reality (AR)—a technology that allows digital images and information to be projected onto the real-world environment—has emerged as a powerful tool to enhance food inspections and evaluations. In a recent paper, Jacob Liberty, PhD student[Read More…]
What nurses have to say about healthcare for the underprivileged
We often take many aspects of our lives for granted. Among these are access to healthcare, a place to stay permanently, and a safe and stable home, which are all critical for a healthy and prosperous life. However, many people lack access to these necessities. Overlooking the improvement plan for[Read More…]
Snow-melting looks to don for Spring
Spring has sprung in Montreal. The Hot Dog Guy has resumed his post at the Y-intersection, the amount of people walking around campus seems to have doubled, and the thrifting girlies have broken out the long, ruffled skirts and quirky sunglasses. With the temperature change comes an important change in[Read More…]
Montreal feminist network speaks about organizing collectively and intersectional feminism 
On March 14, the Quebec Public Interest Research Group (QPIRG) at McGill and the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) hosted Women of Diverse Origins (WDO-FDO) for an event titled “Are You Outraged? Organize Collectively: A History of Women of Diverse Origins and the Militant Women’s Movement in Montreal-Tio’tia:ke and[Read More…]
The Tribune’s natural skincare guide
Do we need skin? Most would say yes. Some would say it depends. I, for one, believe that the former is the case, which is why I’m committed to sharing my skincare routine with the McGill student populus. For some context: I’m a minimalist at heart. I only use a[Read More…]
Food Security Summit fosters collaboration between student food advocacy groups
Representatives from student groups across campus and beyond gathered in the University Centre for a Food Security Summit on March 15 to discuss ways to improve the sustainability, accessibility, and affordability of food systems at McGill. The summit included presentations, “visioning sessions” where attendees exchanged ideas on discussion questions in[Read More…]
Modern Day Reverence – Graffiti Scripture
A MUPPS x Tribune Collaboration: Captured in the Park Extension neighborhood of Montreal.
it’s the little things :) 
A MUPSS x Tribune Creative Collaboration: A study of seasonal textures