Where to listen to Blonde: (Some suggestions) 1. Walking home alone after leaving a disappointing house party. This music makes you feel good if slightly melancholic, like you’re still cool even though that party was not. 2. With your good friends at a beach, park, or lake. These are ideal[Read More…]
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How to make the most of Activities Night
Whether you are a first-year looking to find your place in the McGill community or a fourth-year student hoping to become more involved on campus and pad your resume before graduation, Activities Night is a great place to start your search for the perfect extracurricular. With this year’s Activities Night[Read More…]
Comedian to watch: Aisha Brown
“Let’s hear it for all the black women in tonight’s lineup!” Comedian Aisha Brown opened her set with a sarcastic quip that automatically brought attention to the homogeneity of the lineup at All Access Live with Grace Helbig and Mamrie Hart at the 34th annual Just For Laughs comedy festival. Based[Read More…]
Life in the slow lane: Construction at McGill, again
In Montreal, construction has long since become the rule, rather than the exception. As such, it is fitting that Montreal’s 375th birthday next year is being brought to us by more orange cones, roadblocks, and detours for the construction of the Promenade Urbaine Fleuve-Montagne project. Perhaps it really is time[Read More…]
Playing it cool: A conversation with Best Coast at Osheaga
Best Coast, a band made up of the striking odd-couple Bobb Bruno and Bethany Cosentino, rose to prominence with their 2010 debut album Crazy For You. Crazy for You is a collection of odes to chilling, smoking, falling in love, and becoming very confused. Their third and latest studio album, California[Read More…]
Comedian to watch: New Face Dino Archie
"This is a safe city. It's a lot of flip flops at night," Vancouver-based comedian Dino Archie joked of Montreal. Archie began an opener set for fellow comedian Jo Koy at the 34th annual Just For Laughs festival with his analysis of the city: "When you leave the house wearing[Read More…]
6 ways to transform a patio from boring to beautiful on a budget
Carpe summer! Seize the season. As summer winds down, many students will return to the city with just a few remaining weeks of warm weather. There’s no time in the semester more lovely than early September, and there’s no better place to spend the relaxed days of the Add/Drop period[Read More…]
Baseball’s last bad boy: Saying goodbye to Alex Rodriguez
This past week—as Alex Rodriguez sat fighting to hold back tears—I couldn’t stop singing “Ding-Dong the Witch is Dead!” In the most unorthodox manner, Rodriguez announced that he will be retiring from baseball. He never actually used the word ‘retirement,’ rather it was more of a press conference to announce the Yankees[Read More…]
The best things in life are free: The 30th annual Montreal Museum Day
As an art museum fanatic, an opportunity to explore the Montreal museum scene without spending a dime is one that I can never pass up. Luckily for me, on Sunday May 29, the city of Montreal hosted its 30th annual Montreal Museum Day, during which up to 36 local museums[Read More…]
Spots to soak up the Montreal sun (with a good book)
Most students have that book—the book they promised themselves they would read before school, work, and friends eventually take over. With exams long over and summer in full swing, many students have more time on their hands, making it the perfect opportunity to crack open a new read. The following[Read More…]