Dear Ainsley, Last weekend I went to a party at a friend’s house. I was drinking vodka and not really counting my shots and I ended up blacking out for the first time. My friends took great care of me, but I still woke up the next morning feeling really[Read More…]
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Ask Ainsley: “How do I talk about condoms with my partner?”
Dear Ainsley, I am bad at negotiating condom use and will often not mention it if the other person doesn’t. What are some tactics to bring this up when my partner doesn’t want to? Sincerely, How to Wrap it Up? Dear HTWU, I always used to pride myself on my[Read More…]
Fiddling around: McGill Shulich School of Music students move from performance halls to the streets
During the school year, students in McGill’s Shulich School of Music seldom take a break from rehearsing and performing. Finding themselves unoccupied after the chaos of the school year, Rebecca Jacobson and McKenna Glorioso, both U3 Violin Performance in McGill’s Schulich School of Music, seized the opportunity to test the waters[Read More…]
Aussie rules in the land down under: A foreigner’s take on Australia’s most thrilling sport
For 80 minutes I sat baffled trying to understand what the heck was going on. Out of the 85 thousand in attendance at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG), I was assuredly the most confused. A couple Carlton Draughts certainly didn’t help my cause; I was helpless. If I could summarise[Read More…]
The new kids on the block
The universe is expanding—and so is the periodic table. Four new elements have recently been added to complete the seventh row. Though the elements were discovered over the last year, it’s only now that the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) has released the element names for public[Read More…]
English versus French: A false dichotomy
Having grown up a son of French and Tunisian immigrants in the West Island, a mostly English-speaking part of Montreal, I have had a curious experience with language. Although Bill 101, The Charter of the French Language, was at first necessary to preserve the French language in Quebec, current attempts[Read More…]
The Apology: More than just a number
Statistics illustrate the gravity of a situation from the scope of its impact—for instance, over 200,000 women and girls, euphemistically termed ‘comfort women,’ were forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese Imperial Army during the Second World War. Yet, the individuals affected by these circumstances often get lost in the[Read More…]
Tech-free tea time
There is a unique experience around each corner in Montréal. Of the many internationally-inspired cafés, Camellia Sinensis Tea House, nestled in Montreal’s Quartier Latin, is the epitome of serenity. Located on Rue Émery, this gem allows customers to escape from the fast pace of the city and enjoy a cup[Read More…]
McGill’s non-indigenous allies must reexamine their efforts
Non-indigenous allies at McGill need to be conscious of their actions and intentions. These allies often wish to act in solidarity with indigenous peoples and students. They are usually well-intentioned, and the solidarity is greatly appreciated—so long as allies do not overstep their boundaries. A few ways in which I’ve[Read More…]
The Raptors impressed in the playoffs, despite their exit at the hands of the Cleveland Cavaliers
From the very start, the odds were stacked against the Toronto Raptors in their Eastern Conference Finals series against the Cleveland Cavaliers. By the start of the series, they had played the most games in the playoffs with 18. They had battled past the Indiana Pacers and the Miami Heat[Read More…]