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The Sport Authority EP. 4: Recapping the NBA trade deadline

[audiotrack title=”The Sport Authority Ep. 4: Recapping the NBA trade deadline” songwriter=”Zikomo Smith and Arman Bery” date=”February 27, 2016″ width=”700″ height=”200″ src=”″ autoplay=”on”] The NBA trade deadline last week saw little activity; teams were more conservative given next year’s salary cap increase, and most moves aimed to consolidate picks for[Read More…]

BDS motion passes at SSMU Winter GA

A motion regarding support for the Boycott, Divest, and Sanctions (BDS) movement passed at the Feb. 22 Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Winter General Assembly (GA), with 512 students voting “Yes,” 357 voting “No,” and 14 abstentions.  The two other motions up for vote passed with no discussion from[Read More…]

The perks of being a hand writer

One of the quickest ways that professors can get students to drop their course after the first lecture is to announce that laptops are not permitted. The feeling in the lecture hall is almost palpable as everyone pictures lectures with nothing but a pen, some paper, and a professor attempting[Read More…]


Comic books 101: How to start reading (and loving) comic books

As comic-cons become more popular and geek culture merges with pop culture, comic books are attracting more and more attention. With movie franchises and television series, characters previously restricted to ink and paper are attracting new fans through digital media. However, comics remain intimidating to newcomers, since most characters have[Read More…]

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