Science has helped society make sense of the natural world and all of its intricacies. Advancements in medicine, technology, and mathematics have all led to improvements in human welfare. At the same time, science can be applied unequally, benefiting those of a specific race or class, in ways that distort[Read More…]
Latest News
Ask Ainsley: Finding the perfect roommate
Dear Ainsley, We are already halfway through the semester and I will soon need to pack up my room in res to go home for the summer, but I still don’t know where I’ll be coming back to in September. Time has gone by so fast and I now realize[Read More…]
AGSEM plans to hold strike vote during week of March 11
After months of bargaining meetings with McGill to negotiate a new Collective Agreement (CA), the Association of Graduate Students Employed at McGill (AGSEM) is holding a strike vote during the week of Mar. 11. This decision comes after teaching assistants (TAs) gathered at an assembly on Jan. 30, during which[Read More…]
Tribune Explains: Tenants’ rights in Montreal
The apartment search is ramping up for many as Quebec’s July 1 moving date looms closer. The Tribune brings you a guide to understanding and invoking your rights as a tenant when renting an apartment. What are the regulations around landlords increasing rent? Landlords must give written notice of their[Read More…]
Dream #18
A MUPSS x Tribune Creative Collaboration Sleepy week before spring break. Exploring the Holga Digital toy camera’s unique aesthetic
Ballet Shoot for Circle of Fashion
A MUPSS x Tribune collaboration:
Ballet Shoot for @circleoffashionmcgill
under the moonlight
A MUPSS x Tribune collaboration:
a glimpse into the moonlight glow catching the pearls just so, contrasting the harshness of the night against the delicate nature of each carefully placed radiant speck.
Know Your (PWHL) Athlete: Ann-Sophie Bettez
Growing up, Ann-Sophie Bettez idolized both the women on Canada’s Olympic hockey team and the men playing in the National Hockey League. The existence of a perennial women’s hockey league at the professional level was uncertain. As such, Bettez earned a Bachelor of Commerce at McGill in 2011 and became[Read More…]
Point-Counterpoint: Fighting in hockey
Anti-fighting Tillie Burlock, Managing Editor Given the decline of fighting in hockey over the past decade, some may argue that there is no need to institute a formal ban. While it is enjoyable to watch the occasional bout between two tough guys, we must ask—at what cost? Fighting leads to[Read More…]
Restructuring our schools starts with our students
In the Feature of the Week: North American public schools reinforce systemic racial and socioeconomic inequity and marginalized students deserve better support. Opinion editor Isaiah Albert-Stein argues that educational reforms must center anti-oppressive practices and young people’s agency.