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Port Symphonies pays tribute to the “Queen of Crime”

Pointe-à-Callière Museum’s 22nd edition of Port Symphonies, featuring composer and trombonist Scott Thomson, honoured the achievements of Agatha Christie, the famed murder-mystery novelist. The concert was held in Old Montréal at Place-Royale Square, next to the Pointe-à-Callière Museum, where a current exhibition, Investigating Agatha Christie brings to light Christie’s many interests,[Read More…]

Beyond the brain: Perspectives on mindful meditation

Click each perspective to read more How meditation eased my anxiety Audrey Carleton I’ve grappled with bouts of anxiety and obsessive negative thinking for years now, without realizing what a negative space they took up in my life.  As a mechanism to enforce deadline-induced productivity, I frequently overcommit to far[Read More…]

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