The ride-sharing service Uber has exploded in popularity since it first launched internationally in 2014. Almost immediately, Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre said ‘UberX’—the app’s flagship service that summons an ordinary vehicle, rather than a cab—would operate illegally in Montreal. Despite this, Uber exists in Montreal. But contention is brewing amongst[Read More…]
Latest News
Editorial: More inclusivity needed to improve the Co-Curricular Record
The Co-Curricular Record (CCR) has been available through MyInvolvement since 2013. At the moment, students can track their involvement in athletics, student governance, McGill workshops, and Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) clubs. Administrators are currently discussing ways of expanding the CCR so that it can be used to improve[Read More…]
Basic income tightens the belts of the most vulnerable
The premier of Quebec, Philippe Couillard, has announced he was “serious” about implementing an unconditional basic income for all Quebec residents. This universal basic income, inspired by countries such as Finland, would replace all of the government’s current aid in revenue, such as welfare and tax credits. The Quebec Minister[Read More…]
Know Your Athlete: Melodie Daoust
Melodie Daoust is very busy. Jan. 8, half a day removed from captaining the Canadian Women’s Development team to a gold in Germany, the Senior physical education major stepped onto the ice in Martlet uniform to face Concordia. “It is a lot of organization when you play for two teams,[Read More…]
Recipe: No-bake energy bites
In an ideal world, students would have the time to prepare three healthy, hearty meals per day, with neat tupperwares of leftovers stored in the fridge, prepped for the week. In reality, students often end up eating out, snacking, and skipping meals due to their busy schedules. These energy bites[Read More…]
Bring Your Own Juice (BYOJ) is serious about silliness
2016 marks the fourth year of the original sketch comedy troupe Bring Your Own Juice (BYOJ)’s of bringing unabashed silliness to a relatively stodgy campus atmosphere. The group, consisting of 10 student members, delivered a preview of their upcoming show at Players’ Theatre that was an absurd, surreal, and entertaining representation[Read More…]
Rent for Centennial Centre at Macdonald increases under new MoA with McGill
On Feb. 4, the Macdonald Campus Students’ Society (MCSS) signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with the McGill administration, reducing the area of space in the Centennial Centre– the central student hub on campus– and increasing the student fee paid into the space. The renewed MoA will remain valid until[Read More…]
Photos of the week: February 29
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Letter to the editor: Tuition deregulation is a gamble at best, destructive at worst
The Tribune’s editorial, “Deregulation at McGill should not necessitate an increase in international student tuition,” is inaccurate and unrealistic in depicting what tuition deregulation would entail for students. First, it fails to clearly differentiate between equalization and deregulation policies; it is possible to eliminate the equalization model in Quebec without[Read More…]
Pop Dialectic: Macklemore and the question of white privilege
Macklemore’s latest hit, “White Privilege II” gives the outspoken rapper a chance to delve into the serious issues of white privilege and appropriation in Hip Hop, but do his lyrics drive home a powerful point, or are they just an ironic display of the very privilege he’s lambasting against? “White[Read More…]