[audiotrack title=”The Sport Authority Ep. 4: Recapping the NBA trade deadline” songwriter=”Zikomo Smith and Arman Bery” date=”February 27, 2016″ width=”700″ height=”200″ src=”https://24f2041bb5b609d25f1a97039f71682cc9154421.googledrive.com/host/0B9rQxTeDv2duM0FmSjBSYkZFS1k/NBA%20trade%20deadline%20podcast%20%28final%29.mp3″ autoplay=”on”] The NBA trade deadline last week saw little activity; teams were more conservative given next year’s salary cap increase, and most moves aimed to consolidate picks for[Read More…]
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SSMU Council adds referendum question on political GA motions
Amendment regarding GA motions The Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Council approved a motion for the upcoming Winter referendum on a process to prevent motions deemed as ‘divisive’ or ‘external’ to SSMU’s mandate from being discussed at the General Assembly (GA). Under the proposed amendment, the GA Steering Committee—an[Read More…]
Wellness Recovery Action Plan offers alternative to McGill’s Mental Health Services
Over the past five years, the McGill Mental Health Services (MMHS) has seen a 35 per cent increase in students seeking help. According to McGill’s Mental Health Education Coordinator Emily Yung, one in 11 McGill students in the past academic year are reported to have used MMHS services. The Wellness[Read More…]
Deadpool is a triumph for fans, a challenge for general audiences
In 2014, a short clip of Deadpool test footage was leaked on YouTube, after the character was considered too crass for movie screens. The video—which has since been deleted by 20th Century Fox—sparked a movement among fans who had been altogether disappointed by the character’s 2009 appearance in X-Men Origins:[Read More…]
Flashback: Pretty Baby (1978)
“Storyville, New Orleans, 1917.” This is the title card that opens Louis Malle’s Pretty Baby. The film tackles the scandalous topic of child prostitution in a strikingly elegant and elegiac fashion through chronicling an upscale brothel in one of New Orlean’s most notorious red-light districts. Madame Nell (Frances Faye) is[Read More…]
BDS motion passes at SSMU Winter GA
A motion regarding support for the Boycott, Divest, and Sanctions (BDS) movement passed at the Feb. 22 Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Winter General Assembly (GA), with 512 students voting “Yes,” 357 voting “No,” and 14 abstentions. The two other motions up for vote passed with no discussion from[Read More…]
The perks of being a hand writer
One of the quickest ways that professors can get students to drop their course after the first lecture is to announce that laptops are not permitted. The feeling in the lecture hall is almost palpable as everyone pictures lectures with nothing but a pen, some paper, and a professor attempting[Read More…]
Comic books 101: How to start reading (and loving) comic books
As comic-cons become more popular and geek culture merges with pop culture, comic books are attracting more and more attention. With movie franchises and television series, characters previously restricted to ink and paper are attracting new fans through digital media. However, comics remain intimidating to newcomers, since most characters have[Read More…]
Alone in crowded rooms: A personal struggle with depression
Disclaimer: The recommendations made and experiences described in this article are personal to my time with depression and instability. It is not a universal view on what all depression looks like, or how depression should be treated. Suddenly, my energy to keep talking disappeared. I left lunch with my two roommates[Read More…]
Campus Spotlight: Bar des Arts
McGill’s hustle and bustle can often seem neverending, and finding an environment where one can escape the busy-ness of student life while still on campus can be a challenge. The Arts Undergraduate Society’s (AUS) Bar des Arts (BdA) serves as a resting spot for students to enjoy a beer and grilled[Read More…]