Some dismiss The Room as the “worst movie ever made,” while others believe that Writer, Director, Producer, and Star, Tommy Wiseau, is a creative genius who’s succeeded in crafting a timeless piece of outsider art. Released in 2003, The Room has since garnered a cult following, continuing to draw[Read More…]
Latest News
Behind the Bench: Athletes as activists
Following weeks of protests over racial tensions at the University of Missouri, dozens of members of the school’s football team announced that they would not practice or play in any games until members of the university administration resigned. Within days, the president of the multi-campus university system stepped down, and[Read More…]
Trappings of the past: Should Japan formally apologize for its past war sex crimes?
At first glance, the comfort women seem just like any ordinary, elderly citizen. They have wrinkled lines framing their faces, and are slightly hunched over, exuding an air of grace and patience. Many of these women are warmly referred to as “grandmother,” a term attributing to both their gentle appearance[Read More…]
Nudism & Cubism: Dana Schutz exhibit sheds new light on Cubist painting
Painter Dana Schutz’ exhibit mixes the experimental vigour of modernism with a personal and approachable style. The work has a clear relationship to cubism, representing figures in an atypically, fragmented manner, but it does not share the clinical eye that is representative of the movement for which Picasso is known. Rather[Read More…]
McGill students set up pop-up sushi shop for Restaurant Day
This past Saturday Nov. 21, thousands of people across the world set up their own restaurant, café, or bar for one day only. “Restaurant Day” is a worldwide event where anyone can set up their own restaurant in their home, office, on a street corner, or even in a park.[Read More…]
Why McGill needs to be proactive about race
Racial tension at universities in the United States has finally turned into discussion and action. Students of colour at institutions like Dartmouth College and Yale University are speaking out about injustices and racism they have experienced on campus. Exclusion from events, racial slurs and stereotypes, culturally appropriative halloween costumes, mascot[Read More…]
Delineating safe spaces key to protecting free speech on university campuses
The campus free speech debate was back in the media spotlight these past few weeks after an incident at Yale University. Controversy followed a mass email sent by Yale Professor Erika Christakis, in which she questioned the school’s policy on culturally appropriative Halloween costumes. The response was fast and furious;[Read More…]
McGill Innovation Week highlights projects on and off campus
McGill’s annual Innovation Week (MIW) showcased developments in technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Packed with more than 20 events between Nov. 15 and Nov. 20, MIW explored a wide range of issues, including intellectual property, the future of education, social innovation, and food security. The main organizer of MIW, and Director[Read More…]
Anti-protest law ruled unconstitutional
Article 500.1 of Quebec’s Highway Safety Code, previously used to disperse and ticket protesters, has been repealed. Quebec Superior Justice Guy Cournoyer issued a ruling on Nov. 12, declaring the article unconstitutional. Quebec will have six months to amend the code. The article in question The Highway Safety[Read More…]
Winter style forecast
FELT COAT The felt coat has popped up during fall, and is likely to prevail throughout the winter season. With influential designers such as Celine, the coat can reach as long as mid-calf length, is a tad oversized, and can commonly be found in neutral colours such as grey, black,[Read More…]