During a recent podcast interview, Michael Angelakos—lead singer of Passion Pit—discussed his sexuality, stating that “I like girls, I like boys, everyone’s fantastic; but you know what? I’m gay. Finally.” The interview revolved around a number of other highly personal topics: His anxiety, bipolar disorder, history of suicide attempts, and[Read More…]
Latest News
Know Your Athlete: Nicolas Khandar
Nicolas Khandar, an explosive sophomore running back for the Redmen football team, is a surprising and adaptable man. A Frenchman born and raised, Khandar embraced football after moving away from the Parisian suburbs of his childhood to study in Canada. He later represented the French National Football Team in the[Read More…]
Making it through final exams: ‘Stressing-out’ can make or break you
A sense of urgency begins to loom on campus as finals approach. Libraries get more crowded, lines at Tim Hortons get longer, and all-nighters become more frequent. With all the pressure to do well, finals tends to generate a great deal of stress among students. But what exactly is stress? [Read More…]
Editorial: Unmoderated online culture has become unsustainable in SSMU elections
Candidates for any elected position may anticipate mudslinging, as it is part and parcel of any campaigning process; however, harassment to the point of dropping out is unacceptable, especially at the student level. This harassment does not necessarily take place between campaign teams—it plays out in online forums where anyone,[Read More…]
Questioning the value of Canada’s Syrian refugee pledge
To the majority of the public’s approval and a minority’s chagrin, the Liberal government has pledged to take in 25,000 refugees before Christmas. Whether dealing with climate change initiatives or Syrian refugees, the Canadian government will set specific policy targets. While setting lofty goals is admirable, it is not always[Read More…]
Local boutique ibiki brings tranquility and style
Located on Boulevard Saint-Laurent at the intersection of Rue Marie-Anne Ouest, ibiki houses a carefully curated mix of clothing, accessories, and art magazines. The boutique embraces an array of international influences, and brings a penchant for minimalist style to the heart of the Plateau. The wide, immaculately clear glass[Read More…]
Shooting the Breeze: The cream of the NBA draft crop
The 2015 NBA draft class wasn’t quite as deep as 2014, but the level of talent crammed into the top four was mind boggling. Fans from Philadelphia to Los Angeles were given new hope as their struggling franchises each got a player who could be the key to the future.[Read More…]
Flashback: “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” (1974)
The Vietnam War and the correlated counterculture movement disenchanted many young people with the way society functioned, and for some, the outlet to this frustration was murder. The ‘60s also saw a rise in serial killers, including Charles Schmid—also known as the Pied Piper of Tucson—who murdered three young women[Read More…]
SSMU GA a scapegoat for misplaced priorities
The Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU)’s General Assembly (GA) is defunct. The main forum actively connecting McGill’s student body to its representative council has apparently run its course. The failure of the Fall 2015 GA to reach quorum, and the whopping zero motions submitted, confirms the collapse; however, proposals[Read More…]
From the Viewpoint: Tibetan Cultural Fair
My friend and I were in a pretty good mood when we got to the church basement. The Tibetan bazaar in its entirety boasted an elevated circular stage in its centre, surrounded by vendors hawking their wares from tables to passersby. There was Tibetan calligraphy being taught in the corner[Read More…]