With just over a month of classes left, term papers and final exams are on the horizon, and stress levels are on the rise. Since students are consistently on their phones and laptops, applications are a productive and easy way to use technology to deal with academic-related pressure. Here are[Read More…]
Latest News
The latest poison has been revealed—and you’re made of it
The World Health Organization (WHO) has just announced that processed meat—and possibly all red meat—has been confirmed to be carcinogenic. I was at my computer when I first heard of the news in the form of a Facebook post and I was skeptical. At first, I briefly considered switching to[Read More…]
NBA 2015 Season Preview
Atlantic Central Southeast Pacific Northwest Southwest Read about the other teams
Five meals on and around McGill campus for $5 or less
Being a student comes with responsibilities other than studying, completing assignments, and writing exams—namely, budgeting and eating. It can be frustrating to spend a full day on campus without any affordable meal options—especially when it’s the end of the month and students are strapped for cash. Whether you’re rubbing your[Read More…]
Beyond cows and cars, copyright in the TPP
At its core, the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a trade deal between Canada and 11 other Pacific rim nations that seems to be incensing Canadian dairy farmers and car makers by increasing imports in these sectors. But the TPP contains a myriad of new copyright protection that will make[Read More…]
Little Women grow up from the page to the stage
Little Women, Opera McGill’s first production of the season, is based on the beloved novel by Louisa May Alcott, as well as the opera written and composed by Mark Adamo in 1998. Set in Massachusetts in the 1860s, Little Women is brought to the stage in a way that celebrates[Read More…]
Students instrumental in the battle against climate change
Current students should focus their energy on climate change because it is the defining issue of our generation. It threatens the livelihood and existence of the human species; scientists argue a temperature increase of more than two degrees celsius will have an unpredictable and destructive impact on ecosystems, food sources,[Read More…]
Know Your Athlete: Sarah Dubois
Sarah Dubois is the type of person who is at ease in any setting—at one moment, she’ll be talking seriously about her passion for environmental sustainability; the next, she’ll put on a Quebecois accent and tell a funny story about a teammate at practice. Dubois sees life as a balance[Read More…]
Student of the Week: Katie Duff
Katie Duff, U3 Electrical Engineering, is using her passion for her field of study to further cancer research and create new modes of early detection for aggressive forms of cancer. Duff began her journey in the Faculty of Science, but after changing programs five times, she finally landed in the Department[Read More…]
TAME: In a world of their own
TAME, a new exhibition showcasing dance by choreographer Lara Kramer immerses its audience in a world of dreamy experimentation through unconventional movement. The set of TAME was reminiscent of a first apartment, stuffed with the gleeful accumulation of garish, yet cohesive ‘70s and ‘80s ephemera. Crowded with clothing and magazines, the[Read More…]