Attending university in the heart of downtown Montreal is a luxury McGill students commonly take for granted. Often it becomes far too easy to become chained to campus and trapped in the “McGill bubble.” In an effort to combat this pitfall, the Tribune compiled a list of some of the[Read More…]
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Hidden venues of Montreal
Le Cagibi Located in the Mile End, Le Cagibi is a coffeehouse and vegetarian restaurant by day and a bar and concert venue by night. Shows are held in the back room where listeners can settle into a cozy armchair with a drink and, depending on the night, enjoy a[Read More…]
Recipes: Stuffed roast acorn squash
Fall has finally reached Montreal, and while this means Instagram feeds will be filled to the brim with pictures of leaves and pumpkin spice lattes, it also means this is the best time of year to reap Mother Nature’s produce. Fruits and vegetables that have been growing all summer are[Read More…]
MCLIU ratifies first collective agreement
On Friday, Sept. 18, the Special General Assembly of the McGill Course Lecturers and Instructors Union (MCLIU) met to vote on the proposed version of the union’s first collective agreement. The agreement outlines a number of important points between the employer, McGill, and the MCLIU, including seniority, hiring processes, salary[Read More…]
Senate raises concerns over the future of research funding
Senate held its first meeting of the year and received reports on the medical program’s probationary status, biomedical research funding, and cases of sexual assault and harassment at McGill. Undergraduate medical program probation Dean of Medicine and Vice-Principal of Health Affairs, Dr. David Eidelman, praised the Faculty of Medicine’s response[Read More…]
Commentary: Taking stock of Quebec’s new sexual education curriculum
Sex education classes are making a partial comeback in Quebec this year. The pilot program is an improvement, as it fills a void that has existed since 2005 (the last year that Quebec had dedicated sexual education classes).However, the Ministry of Education, Recreation and Sports (MERS) does not go far[Read More…]
Exploring Montreal’s International Cuisine
Damas Located in the corner of Avenue Van Horne and Avenue Bloomfield sits this authentic Syrian eatery. The beautiful lantern-lit restaurant features charming Middle-Eastern décor and a delectable choice of food. Damas’ distinctive interior, including an open kitchen and dim lighting, contributes to its relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere. The sophisticated[Read More…]
Notman House hosts Masters of Code hackathon
“Develop the greatest digitally connected application [or] solution that will profoundly alter your connected life.” This was the problem presented at the MasterCard Masters of Code hackathon this weekend. Stretching from Saturday to Sunday afternoon, the challenge attracted roughly 100 developers, designers, and tech enthusiasts to Notman House, Montreal’s hub[Read More…]
Twentieth edition of Soup and Science educates and entertains
For an entire week, five to six McGill professors took the stage in Redpath Museum for the 20th edition of Soup and Science. The professors, who were experts in fields varying from physics to geography, offered brief, three to five minute presentations on their work. Created by the Office of[Read More…]
Healthy eating options around McGill campus
Navigating through the limited food options on and around campus in the hopes of finding something nutritious and budget-friendly can be tough. Here are some tips to make your search a little easier. Students spend a significant portion of their day on campus running between classes, studying in the library,[Read More…]