Allocation of government funding for students with disabilities Arts & Science Senator Chloe Rourke expressed concerns regarding funding for services for students with disabilities, including the Office of Students with Disabilities (OSD), in conjunction with the uncertainty behind McGill’s budget cuts. In response, Provost Anthony Masi stated that although[Read More…]
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Making the Simple Exquisite: Tips to make a classic broth
Knowing how to make a good and flavourful broth is a helpful tool to have in one’s repertoire. Broths have so many uses in the kitchen, ranging from making a delicious homemade chicken noodle soup to adding flavour to sauces. The key to an amazing broth is patience—let the broth[Read More…]
McGill Sikh Students’ Association hosts second annual Turban Tying Event
Many McGill students chose to spend the afternoon on March 17 learning about Sikh culture and supporting The McGill Sikh Students’ Association (MSSA) at the second annual Turban Tying Event. Completely free and volunteer-run, over 100 students attended the event, which was held in the Madeleine Parent room in the[Read More…]
Proposal for women-only gym hours halted by McGill administration
Deputy Provost (Student Life and Learning) Ollivier Dyens released a statement on Friday expressing that McGill will no longer be considering the implementation of women-only gym hours at the McGill Fitness Centre. “McGill is a community where every form of diversity (cultural, linguistic, gender, religion, etc.) is celebrated and encouraged,”[Read More…]
McGill medical students vote to strike against Bill 20
On Tuesday, the Medical Students’ Society (MSS) voted at its General Assembly (GA) to strike on March 30 as a form of protest against Bill 20. If passed, the bill would restructure family care in Quebec. “Every general practitioner […] must, to the extent provided for by government regulation, provide medical[Read More…]
Back to Bukowski’s future
In an age dominated by tweets and texts, it is quite easy to forget—or at least be distanced from—the chaos and warfare that ravages the world today. Kim Kardashian ‘breaks’ the Internet while Russia breaks international laws. Dresses change from white to blue on Facebook while the situation in Syria[Read More…]
Commentary: Reconsidering the legacy of Brian Mulroney
When he left office in 1993, Brian Mulroney had the lowest approval ratings of any Prime Minister since the Second World War. Even today, over 20 years after he stepped down, Mulroney is still regarded negatively by a large majority of Canadians. However, the hostility towards Mulroney is largely unjustified. Far[Read More…]
March Madness Preview 2015
Cinderella Picks Wofford Although they’ve appeared in the tournament three times in team history, the Wofford Terriers have never escaped the first round. This is a tough, physical team that is a perfect candidate for catching a high seed off guard. During its last tournament appearance in 2010, Wofford gave[Read More…]
Hundreds gather in Montreal to protest proposed anti-terrorist legislation Bill C-51
Hundreds of Canadians came together in Montreal and other Canadian cities last Saturday to take part in the Canada-wide day of action against Bill C-51, a proposed federal anti-terrorism bill. Bill C-51 encompasses a wide range of proposed changes to Canadian legislature, in particular to the Criminal Code. It will[Read More…]
AUS SNAX sit-in raises awareness about MoA negotiations with McGill
Last Wednesday, members of the McGill community participated in a sit-in organized by SNAX, a food-retail outlet managed under the Arts Undergraduate Society (AUS). The sit-in aimed to raise awareness and support for SNAX in light of McGill’s recent stipulation that SNAX would not be able to sell sandwiches. This[Read More…]