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Campus Conversation: How would you make SSMU a stronger representative body?

In light of recent controversies over the degree to which the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) represents the student body, we asked several students for their opinions: “How would you make SSMU a stronger representative body?” Representation, the first pillar Kareem Ibrahim Representation is one of the three pillars[Read More…]

From blast off to spin off

During the development of the Apollo program in the 1960s, space enthusiast Lorne Trottier was getting his B.Sc. at McGill University. Every week, he would go to Schulich Library to check out the magazine Aviation Week & Space Technology to get updates regarding the moon landing. Finally, NASA did it—they[Read More…]

Warhol takes the MMFA’s walls

With Warhol Mania, the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts  (MMFA) presents an eclectic collection of Andy Warhol’s illustrations, posters, and record art—but leaves the viewer to reconcile Warhol the artist with Warhol the advertiser. Through image repetition and his typical three-colour style, Warhol’s work remains dynamic and innovative in the[Read More…]

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